David C. Reardon, Ph.D., is a biomedical ethicist, director of the Elliot Institute, and editor of their quarterly publication, The Post-Abortion Review. He is widely recognized as one of the leading experts on the aftereffects of abortion on women, a field in which he has specialized since 1983. He is the author of numerous books and popular and scholarly articles on this topic. Articles about Dr. Reardon and his work have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers, including NEWSWEEK and the NEW YORK TIMES. He is a frequent guest on Christian radio and Christian television talk shows and has been a key note speaker at many state and national conventions for crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations. In his work, Dr. Reardon has been the chief investigator on several original research projects. One of these was the first long-term follow-up study of a large number of women who had abortions an average of ten years previously. In a subsequent study of 700 randomly selected women, his research has shown that the women who aborted their first pregnancies were five times more likely to engage in subsequent abuse of drugs or alcohol compared to women who carried to term.
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One-third of abortion patients report having attempted suicide, with 94% reporting that their abortion experiences contributed to that attempt, according to a new peer reviewed study of a national, random sample of women.
Date posted: 2025-01-25
A prominent study cited in abortion rights lawsuits is based on the unethical use of personal identifying information, according to a new peer reviewed report. In addition, the report catalogues numerous ways the Turnaway Study has violated the accepted standards for reporting scientific results.
Date posted: 2024-11-25
A prominent study claiming to have disproven research linking abortion to elevated risks of suicide has itself been proven to be inaccurate and deceptive, according to a new reanalysis of Turnaway Study data.
Date posted: 2024-11-15
There is a 50% increased risk of a first time psychiatric treatment in the year following a first abortion, according to a newly published reanalysis of Danish medical records. The elevated risk was highest (87% increased risk) for personality and behavioral disorders.
Date posted: 2024-05-19
In her new autobiography, The Woman in Me, Britney Spears reveals that she had an unwanted abortion while in a relationship with Justin Timerberlake.
Date posted: 2024-04-01
Abortion increases the risk of cardiovascular disease according to a new study of over one million Medicaid patients.
Date posted: 2024-04-01
The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of the abortion drug, mifepristone, negligently exposed millions of women to unwanted, unsafe, and unnecessary abortions, according to an amicus brief filed by the Elliot Institute, Rachel's Vineyard, and Entering Canaan Ministry.
Date posted: 2024-03-09
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of the abortion pill was complicated, but it makes several things clearer. First, mail-order abortion pills are not safe. Second, the FDA likely failed to follow the law in loosening safety standards on these pills. To that I would add this: Mail-order abortion fuels and expands the epidemic of unwanted abortions.
Date posted: 2023-08-29
The assumption that abortions only occur when women freely want them has been overturned by a new study interviewing a national sample of 1000 women 41 to 45 years of age. Of women with a history of abortion, only 33% described their abortions as a "wanted and consistent with my values and preferences." All others, described it as contrary to their values and preferences, with 24% also describing their abortions as "unwanted" or "coerced."
Date posted: 2023-05-24
This is the challenge faced by advocates of abortion havens. How are they going to prevent their havens from being turned against women? The word "choice" sounds good. But far too many women have abortions because they feel "I have no choice."
Date posted: 2022-08-01
Abortion Contributes to Mental Health Problems: Both Sides Agree According to a Comprehensive Medical Review / Each Abortion Increases Woman's Risk of Premature Death by 50%, New Study Reports / Most Studies Show Abortion Linked To Increased Mental Health Problems.....
Date posted: 2022-07-01
Instead of reporting on the verifiable scientific facts surrounding abortion, major media outlets are committed to killing coverage of any studies that contradict either of the two most essential pro-abortion myths: (1) abortion has no risks, and (2) women only have abortions when it improves their lives.
Date posted: 2022-07-01
Rapid repeat pregnancies are common after abortion of a first pregnancy, according to a new study of over two million young women. This finding is consistent with data showing that 29% of women undergoing an abortion have a strong desire for a "replacement pregnancy." But since the same pressures to abort may persist, approximately 60% of pregnancies conceived in the two years following a first abortion are also aborted.
Date posted: 2021-07-16
Not every abortion is wanted. Often, abortions require women to sacrifice their own desires and preferences to serve the demands of others or circumstance. ANSIRH's data actually confirms that unwanted abortions are more common than wanted abortions (namely, those women who freely choose to serve their own goals and preferences).
Date posted: 2021-04-20
Induced abortion or miscarriage of a first pregnancy increases the risk of postpartum mental health problems by 10 to 35 percent, according to a new study of of over 1.9 million women. The risk of postpartum psychiatric care requiring hospitalization is increased by 83 percent.
Date posted: 2021-02-26
The legalization of abortion has done nothing to advance women's freedom. Given research and anecdotal evidence showing that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, one could argue that abortion makes women less free.
Date posted: 2017-02-03
A woman who was a victim of human trafficking spoke out about being forced to abort in a UK study of people who survived trafficking.
Date posted: 2016-04-30
Congressional hearings into Planned Parenthood should look beyond the deceptive fetal tissue donation forms they ask women to sign. These misleading disclosure forms typify a larger pattern of deception and exploitation.
Date posted: 2015-12-29
David Reardon has posted a video that (1) discusses the main findings of the study, (2) provides a brief tutorial on interpreting the graphs confidence intervals shown in the study, and (3) describes how the APA Task Force on Abortion and Mental Health fashioned a very nuanced statement to summarize it's findings in a way that obscured the truth and ensured misreporting of the evidence by the majore media (begins at the 10 minute mark.)
Date posted: 2011-10-08
"How can you deny an abortion to a twelve-year-old girl who is the victim of incest?" complains an indignant supporter of abortion. "And how can you call yourself a loving Christian if you would force a victim of violent rape to give birth to a rapist's child?"
Date posted: 2007-03-11
The odds of recovery from brain injuries and vegetative states may be dramatically improved simply by restoring normal brain temperatures, according to a new medical theory published in the August issue of Medical Science Monitor.
Date posted: 2006-08-03
Abortion, infanticide, and child abandonment are acts of fear and despair. They are symptoms of a society that does not embrace young mothers and fathers, but instead subjects them to criticism, abuse, and coercion. The only solution is to offer young women and men unconditional love and life-affirming support. That's hard to do, especially in a society that is so enamored with death.
Date posted: 2006-06-27
According to a spokesperson for the American Psychological Association, the APA's pro-choice position, first adopted in 1969, is based on a civil rights view, not on scientific proof of any mental health benefits arising from abortion.
Date posted: 2006-03-05
A study in New Zealand that tracked approximately 500 women from birth to 25 years of age has confirmed that young women who have abortions subsequently experience elevated rates of suicidal behaviors, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and other mental problems.
Date posted: 2006-03-05
A study in New Zealand that tracked approximately 500 women from birth to 25 years of age has confirmed that young women who have abortions subsequently experience elevated rates of suicidal behaviors, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and other mental problems.
Date posted: 2006-02-10
A new study published in Sleep, the official journal of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, has found that women who experienced abortion were more likely to be treated for sleep disorders or disturbances compared to women who gave birth.
Date posted: 2006-01-31
A new research review published in highlights the growing body of evidence that abortion is linked with increased rates of substance abuse among women.
Date posted: 2006-01-31
Compared to women who have not been pregnant in the prior year, deaths from suicide, accidents and homicide are 248% higher in the year following an abortion, according to a new 13-year study of the entire population of women in Finland.
Date posted: 2005-12-24
They call themselves "pro-choice" advocates. But in fact, as our research over the last twenty years has shown, what they are really selling women is a "poor choice." Women who make the choice to have an abortion subsequently face an elevated risk of death from all causes (especially suicide), more depression, more substance abuse, more delivery problems in later pregnancies, more divorces, more breast cancer . . . and the list goes on and on.
Date posted: 2003-04-09
Reardon and Rue agree that several other findings reported by Major's team also deserve greater attention. "Major's study clearly demonstrates the presence of delayed reactions," Reardon said. "She found that negative feelings and dissatisfaction with the abortion decision increased with time-even among her final, lower-risk population. In addition, only a minority of women reported positive emotions, and on average the women reported no beneficial effect from their abortions. This general ambivalence about their abortions, combined with a trend toward increasing negative reactions, contradicts the claim that abortion is generally beneficial to women."
Date posted: 2001-12-31
The knowledge that the human fetus, the human embryo, or even the human zygote, is in fact a human being is as
undeniable as the answer to the child's question: Where do babies come from? The women in the waiting room remember when they once asked that question. They remember the answer. They remember the truth. And it is this truth -- no matter how much they try to ignore it, forget it, or bury it beneath slogans or philosophical quibbles -- that demands their attention.
Date posted: 2001-12-30
The risk factors for post-abortion psychological maladjustments can be divided into two general categories. The first category includes women for whom there exists significant emotional, social, or moral conflicts regarding the contemplated abortion. The second category includes women for whom there are developmental problems, including immaturity, or pre-existing and unresolved psychological problems. Women with characteristics in either or both of these categories would properly be classified as high risk patients.
Date posted: 2001-12-29
Zealots are the ones who make excuses for programs that involve coerced sterilizations, forced abortions, or the withholding of food or medical care unless poor women 'voluntarily' accept IUDs or Norplant insertions. Many believe that population growth threatens the survival of humanity while others believe that higher birth rates will actually improve the political and economic power of developing countries -- but at the expense of U.S. and European dominance.
Date posted: 2001-12-24
National abortion policy is built upon this judicial "fact" that abortion is a "safe" procedure. If this "fact" is found to be false, then national policy toward abortion must be re-evaluated. Indeed, if it is found that abortion may actually be dangerous to health of women, there is just cause for governments to regulate or prohibit abortion in order to protect their citizens. This is especially true since over 1.5 million women undergo abortions each year.
Date posted: 2001-12-22
Just as mourning the loss of a parent or spouse takes time, so does mourning the loss of an aborted child. Accept your grief as normal rather than something which must covered up or pushed away.
Date posted: 2001-12-19
Abortion is not a true "choice" on the woman's part; it is an act of despair. On a very basic level, it is precisely because women who abort are acting against their consciences and their maternal instincts that the psychological impact of abortion is so profound.
Date posted: 2001-12-16
The church understands. Do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. God will forgive you.
Date posted: 2001-12-08
By starving our PVS patients to death, are we not denying God the opportunity to work miracles? Are we not denying Him the glory and thanksgiving that is His due?
Date posted: 2001-12-03
In a study of post-abortion patients only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor.
Date posted: 2001-12-02
The leading causes of abortion related deaths are hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. Legal abortion is reported as the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States, though in fact it is recognized that most abortion related deaths are not officially reported as such.
Date posted: 2001-12-01