Abortion Pill Reversal: Yes, It Works!

Steven Mosher
written by Samantha Harris
May 20, 2024
Reproduced with Permission
Population Research Institute

Overwhelmed. Regretful. Conflicted. Alone. These are the emotions many mothers face after taking the abortion pill and grappling with second thoughts or regret. But there's hope: abortion pill reversal. In this piece, we'll delve into what abortion pill reversal is and how it works, offering a beacon of possibility, even when it seems too late.

The abortion pill, a commonly known method for terminating early pregnancies, can leave women feeling devastated and unsure of where to turn next. But there's another option: abortion pill reversal (APR), pioneered by Dr. George Delgado, a respected pro-life medical expert and founder of the Abortion Pill Reversal program. Through APR, women have the chance to reconsider their decision and save their pregnancies. The APR program is a technique of supplementing the mother's body with high (but safe) levels of progesterone to reverse the effect of mifepristone - the first of two pills in the deadly cocktail that is the chemical abortion, or the abortion "pill."

Dr. Delgado explains that mifepristone causes abortions by blocking progesterone receptors. "You can think of the progesterone hormone as a key and the receptor as a lock. The key goes into the lock, turns the lock, and the door opens. The "door opening" is the progesterone's effect- the good things that the progesterone does, such as keeping the placenta adhering to the wall of the uterus. The mifepristone is a false key. We've all had the experience where we put a key that fits into a lock, but it doesn't turn the lock. So that's what the false key of mifepristone does - it essentially blocks the lock (the receptors) so the progesterone can't get into the lock, and turn the lock, and open the door. The presence of mifepristone on the receptor means the door doesn't open. It is blocking progesterone's effects. When you block progesterone's effects, the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus. That cuts off the nutrition and hydration to the preborn baby leading to the death of the baby.

This binding to the receptor is a dynamic process: the molecules of mifepristone go on and off the receptor. When the molecule comes off the receptor, that's an opportunity for the "good-guy key", the progesterone, to latch on to the receptor. That's why for abortion pill reversals we give supplemental progesterone. It is essentially like having more "good-guy keys" hanging out around the receptor, so that as soon as the mifepristone comes off of the receptor, the progesterone can go on to the receptor and cause the good progesterone effects like preventing the placenta from detaching from the uterus and keeping the food and hydration pathways intact.

We maintain those supplementally elevated levels of progesterone in the mother for about two weeks or until the end of the first trimester so that we can have good coverage while the mifepristone washes out of the mother's system and a healthy supply of progesterone in case any recovery of the placenta is needed.

... But We Have More Work To Do

It is important to note that the abortion pill reversal program is for pregnant women who have taken only the first pill of the chemical abortion. Research on how to reverse a chemical abortion after both pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) have been taken, is still in development.

One of the most powerful examples of the abortion pill reversal that has touched Delgado's life was the first overwhelmed and scared young mother he treated in-person:

"The patient was a woman who came to me by way of her mother and a priest. She had taken mifepristone. Her mother had driven her to the abortion center, and her mother had a lot of misgivings about facilitating that, so her mother went to Confession. And the priest who is very knowledgeable on the subject asked 'Have you heard of an abortion pill reversal? There's a doctor here in San Diego who is doing that.' And so, he directed her to me. She called me and asked if I would talk to her daughter, her daughter reluctantly agreed to speak to me and after a couple of phone calls, she finally came into my office. She came in with her boyfriend, the father of the baby. She was still quite reluctant and didn't want to consider reversing, but the boyfriend convinced her to get an ultrasound. As soon as she saw the baby on the ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, she started crying and decided that she wanted to try to save the baby."

The breakthrough of the abortion pill reversal has encountered considerable opposition from the pro-choice public, as could be expected. Research into the abortion pill reversal is being suppressed, the integrity of researchers is being questioned in the courts, and women who regret beginning their chemical abortion are being told by death-peddling doctors that there is no safe reversal process, or that there is no reversal at all. Because of this, it is imperative that the advent of the abortion pill reversal is supported, promoted, and made more widely available.

Now: Get The Word Out!

Dr. Stephen Sammut, a Franciscan University Professor, researcher, and collaborator with Dr. Delgado, has completed groundbreaking research on the reality of abortion pill reversal. He speaks to necessity, controversy, and suppression of Abortion Pill Reversal research, saying:

"The preclinical research on abortion-pill reversal is absolutely necessary, as it reveals the plain truth being suppressed by the mainstream academia, medical field as well as the major so-called professional organizations (such as ACOG, RCOG etc.). The research reveals the reality of this simple pharmacological process - that progesterone administration can displace the mifepristone from its binding place, contrary to the narrative - thus providing the possibility of saving the baby and ultimately the mother also, in a situation where the woman experiences regret after taking the abortion pill. The professional organizations argue in the courts that there is no proof of the chemical/pharmacological/clinical reality of APR, however at the same time they suppress research that investigates this process. Thus, the research is absolutely necessary as it emphasizes the objective reality of the APR."

Delgado stresses the necessity of acknowledging the effectiveness of abortion pill reversal. APR offers a second chance at life for both the baby and the mother. It's crucial to spread awareness and provide women with the opportunity to reconsider their decisions.

"It's vital to inform others that APR is safe and effective. Visiting websites like stenoinstitute.org and abortionpillreversal.com can provide more information. Additionally, supporting ongoing research efforts can help increase awareness and convince more doctors to recommend APR to their patients. By raising awareness and offering support, we can empower women with the opportunity to choose reversal if they change their minds."

In the face of overwhelming emotions and daunting decisions surrounding abortion, the option of abortion pill reversal emerges as a beacon of hope. It offers not only a chance for mothers to reconsider their choices but also the possibility of preserving the precious growing life within them. Despite challenges and opposition, the pioneering work of Dr. Delgado and others in this field underscores the importance of supporting and promoting abortion pill reversal. By spreading awareness, advocating for accessibility, and standing with women who may feel trapped in despair, we affirm the value of life and offer a lifeline of compassion and hope.

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