The Central American country of El Salvador is the latest target of the abortion lobby.
A coalition of radical pro-abortion groups has brought an international case against El Salvador before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR). The "Beatriz Case," as it is commonly called, calls on the IACHR to use the case as an opportunity to nullify El Salvador's pro-life laws.
It's hardly surprising that the coalition chose to bring the case before the IACHR since that body comprises a majority of members appointed on the basis of their left-wing ideology. The international abortion lobby has asked the Court to overturn the pro-life laws of this small Central American country by a finding that confirms abortion as a "human right."
Of course, a pro-abortion ruling from the IACHR might well be dismissed by El Salvador, a sovereign country. Nonetheless, the international left would undoubtedly celebrate it as a "precedent," and Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele would be branded "Public Enemy Number One" by the international media combine.
After all, that combine's ultimate goal aims to overturn the protection of unborn life guaranteed by Article 4 of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACOHR), which reads:
Right to Life, 1: Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
Pro-abortion forces in the region undoubtedly hope that the judges on the Court ignore that fundamental provision, although such defiance would constitute the height of hypocrisy: the Court's very authority flows from its creation by that document's Chapter VIII, Article 52, Section 1:
The Court shall consist of seven judges, nationals of the member states of the Organization, elected in an individual capacity from among jurists of the highest moral authority and of recognized competence in the field of human rights, who possess the qualifications required for the exercise of the highest judicial functions in conformity with the law of the state of which they are nationals or of the state that proposes them as candidates.
The "Beatriz Case" thus challenges not only ICOHR's protection of human life from the moment of conception but the authority of the very Convention that created the Court at all. This constitutes just another classic example of the left's dialectic - which George Orwell calls "DoubleThink": it thrives not only on contradiction, but also deception, censorship, and totalitarianism.
The oral hearing before the Court will take place on March 22, and the Court is expected to announce its decision by the end of the year.
Who was Beatriz? This poor Salvadoran mother suffered from Lupus, but she still dreamed of becoming a mother. In 2012, Beatriz had a pregnancy, which was classified as "high risk" due to her disease. Fortunately, with proper medical care, she gave birth to her first child.
In 2013, Beatriz conceived another child. In this instance, her baby suffered from anencephaly, a disability that would prevent her from having a long life, but a dignified one nonetheless.
Pro-abortion groups including CEJIL (the Center for Justice and International Law), IPAS (Partners for Reproductive Justice), and the Citizens' Coalition for Depenalization of Therapeutic, Ethical, and Eugenic Abortion saw Beatriz as a perfect target for manipulation. They joined forces to take advantage of this simple woman, convincing her not only that her own life was in grave danger but that her unborn child did not deserve to live.
Beatriz was already in fear for her life afraid that she might die and leave her first child an orphan. Overwhelmed by the pressure, she agreed to let these groups file a lawsuit in El Salvador's Supreme Judiciary Court to allow her to have an abortion.
The Salvadoran Justice Supreme Court denied the abortion because no evidence was ever presented that Beatriz's life was in danger.
At that point, the pro-abortion combine mounted an international press campaign and took the case to the Inter-American Court, which recognized that the doctors were taking proper care.
In the third term of her pregnancy, Beatriz underwent a cesarean section. Her baby, whom she named Leilani, was born alive and died two hours later. Beatriz left the hospital in stable health with no further complications.
When Beatriz died after a motorcycle accident in October of 2017, pro-abortion groups blamed her death on the consequences of her pregnancy, a final episode in their abuse and exploitation of the character of this good woman who loved her children more than her own life.
The left's false narrative of a sick woman's traffic life as just another chapter in its endless campaign to bring universal abortion to Latin America. According to this account, the pro-abortion groups are being "humane" - why, they only wanted to "help" Beatriz by convincing her to abort her child, just as they want to "help" Latin American women everywhere by "liberating" them so they might kill millions of their children!
They lie flagrantly because they have both the money and the support of the international press to spread their lies. Their efforts to spread such disinformation in two prominent cases, the "Manuela Case" and the "Case of the Fourteen." The Combine alleged that courts in both cases had sentenced women to thirty years in prison for having had abortions. In fact, the cases involved women who had killed their own children.
For years, this pro-abortion combine has mounted a campaign in El Salvador through NGOs, lawyers, and endless lawsuits in the courts to demand that abortion be legalized. But for all their propaganda, the record shows that their focus is both narrow and inhumane: in spite of their vast financial assets, not one of these "pro-woman" groups offers programs to help women in problem pregnancies who want to bear their unborn child to term.
No, that help comes from the pro-life groups that helped Beatriz and continue to help hundreds of women like her. Abortionists are not interested in women, they use them as plunder to serve the economic interests of the abortion industry. For the Combine, it was never about helping Beatriz, it was always about using her for their own grisly gain.
The PRI office for Ibero-America is working with local and international pro-life groups on a communications campaign to get the truth out about the Beatriz Case. Abortionists have built myths based on half-truths. The campaign will denounce and dismantle these myths.
And let's hope that the truth will ring loudly in the ears of the judges of the IACHR Court.