Planned Parenthood's Website "Glossary" - Fake Science, Phobias, and Sexually Obsessive Definitions

Dianne N. Irving
June 26, 2016
Reproduced with Permission

"When _I_ use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you CAN make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty," which is to be master -- that's all." -- Through the Looking-Glass , by Lewis Carroll [Charles Dodgson]

And the Mastery of deceptive and erotic definitions Planned Parenthood has surely achieved.

I. Introduction:

This article is not about Planned Parenthood's abortion business, nor about how so many of the "contraceptives" they prescribe are actually abortifacient (all that can be checked online), but rather about the kinds of problematic "definitions" they promote on their website in their Glossary of terms.

The main page of Planned Parenthood's national/international website heralds their intention to "educate" us all:

"Planned Parenthood: Care. No matter what . ... Info for Teens, Tools for Parents, Tools for Educators" (emphases added) [ ]

To explain their mission as not just national but international as well, Planned Parenthood states:

" We are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide." (emphases added) [ ]

Assuring us that their "information" is current, accurate, and "reality-based", Planned Parenthood assures us:

"We provide up-to-date , clear, medically accurate information that helps you better understand your sexual health." (emphases added) [ ]

reality-based sexuality education Age-appropriate, culturally sensitive sexuality education programs that include open, nonjudgmental information about all aspects of sexuality ; they encourage critical thinking, self-actualization, and behavioral changes through the empowerment of holistic knowledge about birth control, the body, gender role, relationships, safer sex, sex, and so on, by being realistic about people's lives. Also called "comprehensive sex education" . [ ]

And this "education" includes their very long list of "relevant" definitions in the Glossary on their website.

On the contrary, however, I would argue that under ordinary circumstances, most people would consider this " Glossary " on Planned Parenthood's website as not just mis-informative, but grossly scientifically erroneous and pornographic as well -- and the U.S. Government is paying for it?! How many curious girls, women -- and men -- are thus "educated" simply by trying to check out some "relevant" definition? How are so many of their "definitions" relevant to what Planned Parenthood supposedly offers parents, "educators" and other professionals?!

To document this I am copying below just a sample of the "definitions" from Planned Parenthood's Glossary -- and you can decide for yourself. Although many definitions overlap, I have tried to depict them in the following categories: false and erroneous "scientific" definitions; fears and phobias; unisex/LGBT; "how to"; random; and, a little relevant "history". I sincerely apologize to those who will find just reading many of these definitions upsetting, but there is a serious need for the public to know how Planned Parenthood is "educating" our teens, parents and professionals -- around the world.

II. False, Erroneous "Science":

Most amazing (to me) was to find Planned Parenthood using the fake and erroneous scientific term "pre-embryo" . Created in the late '60's by Georgetown University's Jesuit theologian Richard McCormick and California frog embryologist Clifford Grobstein, the term "pre-embryo" was professionally rejected long ago by the international nomenclature on human embryology (consisting of 20-24 Ph.D.'s in human embryology from around the world) as erroneous, fake, and misleading. And yet Planned Parenthood is still promoting that fake scientific term in their Glossary today?

But of course, if their term "pre-embryo" is scientifically erroneous, then also are a host of related definitions in their Glossary, e.g., "pregnancy", "conception", "implantation" -- and thus even "birth control" -- which means that much of what they call "birth control" is in reality abortifacient (the killing of an already existing living human embryo while still in the woman's fallopian tube or shortly after implantation). Such false science would also "justify" the use of sexually and of a-sexually reproduced early human embryos in vitro in IVF and ARTs in destructive human embryo research, human genetic engineering, artificial stem cell research, etc..

Let's start with those scientifically fake definitions, right there on the Planned Parenthood website, used to "realistically educate" their readers. (Some short scientifically accurate explanations might be included in my "notes"; emphases added). For the accurate scientific facts of human embryology see: (click into "textbook" for each Stage); also, (and following). For extensive scientific documentation, see Irving, "Caution Again: Need to Use Newer URL's for Carnegie Stages for Issues Concerning the Early Human Embryo" (Jan. 1, 2015), at: ; also Irving, "Why Accurate Human Embryology Is Needed To Evaluate Current Trends In Research Involving Stem Cells, Genetic Engineering, Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology" (November 20, 2012), at: .

All definitions below are at: .

Planned Parenthood Glossary:

The termination and expulsion of a pregnancy before birth. [Note that they erroneously define "pregnancy" as "beginning at implantation" -- thus ignoring the abortions caused pre-implantation while the living human embryo/organism is in the woman's fallopian tube.]

birth control
Behaviors, devices, or medications used to avoid unintended pregnancy . [Note: again, because "pregnancy" is mis-defined, then much of their "birth control" is really abortifacient, and not purely "contraceptive".]

The developing pre-embryo shortly before implantation when it is a hollow ball of cells. [Note: There is no such thing as a "pre-embryo"; in normal sexual reproduction (fertilization), the new human embryo/organism begins to exist in the woman's fallopian tube at the beginning of the process of fertilization, Carnegie Stage 1(a). See: . The blastocyst is the developing embryo/organism at Carnegie Stages 3 and 4, consisting of up to 200+ cells in predetermined developmental positions. It is not "just a ball of cells". See: , and ].

The moment when the pre-embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus and pregnancy begins . Also used to describe the fertilization of the egg. [Note: This definition is equating conception, implantation, pregnancy, and when a pre-embryo becomes an embryo. All wrong! There is no such thing as a "pre-embryo". What attaches to the lining of the uterus is a 5-7 day old human embryo/organism. And pregnancy does not begin with implantation, but rather when the human embryo begins to exist, normally at the beginning of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube.]

contraception/ contraceptive
Any behavior, device, medication, or procedure used to prevent pregnancy . [Note: Since they mis-define "pregnancy" as beginning at implantation, then that "justifies" the abortion of the early human embryo still in the woman's fallopian tube = abortifacient, not contraceptive.]

donor insemination
Placing semen in a woman's vagina or uterus without vaginal intercourse to produce a pregnancy . Also called "alternative insemination." [Note: Because they mis-define "pregnancy", then they can kill the embryo if it is still in the woman's fallopian tube. Nor can a pregnancy be initiated by inserting a sperm in the woman's uterus!]

The organism that develops from the pre-embryo and begins to share the woman's blood supply about 16 - 18 days after fertilization ( seven to eight days after implantation ). [Note: Again, there is no such thing as a "pre-embryo". The embryo/organism normally begins to exist at the beginning of the process of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube - Carnegie Stage 1(a). By the time of implantation the embryo already exists and consists of up to 200+ cells. And by claiming even "seven to eight days after implantation" means they can kill the embryo even while "in the womb".]

The lining of the uterus that develops every month in order to nourish a fertilized egg . The lining is shed during menstruation if there is no implantation of a fertilized egg . [Note: In no way does the "fertilized egg" implant or enter or develop in the uterus after implantation. The real "fertilized egg" is no longer an "egg" but rather is the single-cell human embryo/organism that begins to exist normally in the woman's fallopian tube at the beginning of the process of fertilization = Carnegie Stage 1(a). In order to implant in the uterus, the embryo must be at the proper stage of development = 5-7 days post-fertilization. If the embryo is too underdeveloped, or too over-developed, he/she cannot implant and thus dies (one of the many mechanisms that make supposed "contraceptives" in fact abortifacient).]

fallopian tube
One of two narrow tubes that carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus. [Note: it is not the "egg" that implants into the uterus but rather the 5-7 day old embryo/organism. Normally, fertilization takes place in the woman's fallopian tube, and then the new embryo takes about 5-7 days to move through the tube to the uterus to implant.]

The joining of an egg and sperm that forms the zygote . [Note: Fertilization is actually the process during which a new living human embryo/organism begins to exist. During fertilization the "zygote" does not begin to exist until Carnegie Stage 1(c), and has no nucleus. The embryo already exists before the formation of the "zygote": at Carnegie Stage 1(a) it is called the "penetrated oocyte", then develops to Carnegie Stage 1(b) and is called the "ootid", and only then develops further to the "zygote" at Carnegie Stage (c). See: . However, to erroneously claim that the new human being (or "pre-embryo") doesn't begin to exist until the formation of the "zygote" is also to "justify" the use of the embryo at Stages (a) and (b) in destructive research, e.g., cloning, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, etc.]

The attachment of the pre-embryo to the lining of the uterus, which begins about six days after fertilization and is complete in three to four days. The beginning of pregnancy . [Note: There is no such thing as a "pre-embryo", and pregnancy normally begins long before implantation, when the new human being begins to exist -- normally at the beginning of the process of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube.]

The pre-embryo when it is composed of 16 - 32 cells. [Note: There is no such thing as a "pre-embryo". The morula is the already existing embryo/organism at Carnegie Stage 2, initially consisting of 2 cells and more up to the free blastocyst stage. All of the cells are totipotent, capable upon separation or splitting of forming new embryos (monozygotic twinning). See: .]

Developing from the blastocyst, the pre-embryonic stage of a pregnancy during which the neural tube develops, which then marks the beginning of the embryonic stage of development. [Note: A "pre-embryonic stage of a pregnancy" ??? This definition is astoundingly erroneous. Not only is there no such thing as a "pre-embryo", in the real world the neural tube does not begin to form in the human embryo until about Carnegie Stage 9-10, up to 22-23 days post-fertilization. They probably meant the formation of the primitive streak, which takes place about 13-15 days post-fertilization. See the Carnegie Chart: . Neither case is when the new embryo begins to exist. The new embryo/organism normally begins to exist at the beginning of the process of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube, long before the formation of the primitive streak or of the neural tube.]

Implantation , the attachment of the pre-embryo to the lining of the uterus, which begins about six days after fertilization and is complete in three to four days. The beginning of pregnancy . [Note: Again, there is no such thing as a "pre-embryo"; the embryo is already 5-7 days old by the time of implantation; and pregnancy begins when the new human being begins to exist -- normally at the beginning of the process of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube.]

The pear-shaped, muscular reproductive organ from which women menstruate and where normal pregnancy develops. Also called the "womb." [Note: Normal pregnancy begins when the new human being begins to exist, at the beginning of the process of fertilization in the woman's fallopian tube. Also, the use of the term "womb" is what is called a "pre-embryo substitute" , implying that there is no embryo present before implantation while he/she is moving through the woman's fallopian tube toward the "womb" -- and thus can be killed or destroyed in research.]

The single-celled organism that results from the joining of the egg and sperm . [Note: Obviously, if they claim that there is only a "pre-embryo" present before implantation, then the "zygote" formed at the end of the process of fertilization is just a pre-embryo. So how then could it be an "organism"? However, the "zygote" is the new living human embryo at Carnegie Stage 1 (c). The new human embryo/organism exists before the formation of the "zygote", at Carnegie Stages (a) and (b). To claim that the "zygote" is when the human embryo begins to exist is erroneous and "justifies" the killing of the already existing embryo at Stages (a) and (b) by the use of abortifacients and in destructive research.]

So, how is all that "education" that is supposed to be "up-to-date, clear, and medically accurate"?? Imagine how mis-informed their readers are, and the real and deadly consequences of their "scientifically" gross, erroneous and false "definitions". But there are most "interesting" definitions and "educational tools" to come.

III. Fears / Phobias / Outdated:

Next please take a look at the definitions in the Planned Parenthood Glossary that articulate what they perceive as somehow identifying various fears, phobias, and plain "out-dated" passe terms:

IV. Unisex, LGBT, Sexual Relationships

Planned Parenthood's Glossary is replete with definitions referring to unisex, LGBT, and other kinds of sexual relationships. Again, the following are just the tip of the iceberg:

V. "How To":

Given the focus of the above definitions ("unisex, etc.), Planned Parenthood's Glossary also provides hints and directives of how to do it:

VI. Random

The following definitions in Planned Parenthood's Glossary don't necessarily fit into the categories above, but are "interesting" to be aware of in themselves:

VII. A Little Relevant History

Finally, there are several definitions in Planned Parenthood's Glossary that provide some 'relevant" historical background to how and why they can do what they do:

VIII: Conclusion:

Yes, Humpty Dumpty would be proud of national/international Planned Parenthood's Glossary ! Masters of deception -- as well as of confusion -- through and through. Are these Glossary definitions really "educational", "informative" tools for our teens, parents, educators and professionals? What is Planned Parenthood's purpose in posting this Glossary on their website? I leave the answers up to others.
