Targeting the black community - Part I

Judie Brown
By Stephen E. Broden
October 24, 2012
Reproduced with Permission

Part I

The deliberate targeting of the black community by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry has resulted in a kind of bloodletting that is unprecedented to any known human attack in modern history. Even Hitler was unable to wreak the level of havoc that has occurred since the Supreme Court legalized the taking of innocent life in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

What we are witnessing is a war on black babies, black women, and black families that must be stopped! Why is this happening? There are many answers we can give to this question which include the active hand of black and white elected officials who vote consistently to fund with our tax dollars, Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider. Also complicit are black and white members of the media who refuse to cover the devastation of abortion in our community, choosing instead to push black women toward abortion centers under the guise of reproductive justice and self-determination. However, the most sinister purveyor of death by abortion is the often overlooked eugenics movement that provides the basis for the attack on black babies under its population control agenda.

The term eugenics was coined by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton promoted the idea that strategic breeding would help improve mankind. He and Darwin were particularly interested in controlling the breeding of those not included in "the favored races," as Darwin proclaimed in his book, Origin of the Species.

They were influenced by Thomas Malthus, another population control enthusiast, who believed economies "can be improved by decreasing the surplus population."

A present day example of this philosophy at work can be found in the WorldNet Daily August 19, 2012, article by Bob Unruh titled "Bill Gates: The World Needs Fewer People." The article reports that in July of this year, there was an International Eugenic Congress in London that included a family planning summit with abortionists and the United Nations. This "summit was held 100 years after the July 1912 eugenics conference led by Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin, and dedicated to Darwin's half cousin Francis Galton."

Unruh reveals, "Both Bill and Melinda Gates repeatedly have said there are too many people on Earth." This was made explicit by Melinda Gates in 2011 when she commented that government leaders "are now beginning to understand that providing access to contraceptives is a cost-effective way to foster economic growth." In other words fewer people = more resources.

This eugenic motivation was strenuously fought against by groups and individuals such as Stokely Carmichael and the Black Panthers in the sixties and seventies. Even some Democrat legislators recognized the population control impetus of birth control and abortion. Iowa state representative June Franklin said in 1971: "Proponents . . . have argued this bill is for blacks and the poor who want abortions and can't afford one. This is the phoniest and most preposterous argument of all. Because I represent the inner city where the majority of blacks and poor live and I challenge anyone here to show me a waiting line of either blacks or poor whites who are wanting an abortion." Her strong stand defeated the bill to legalize abortion in that state.

Because of the hue and cry raised by these groups and individuals, researchers began to take note and, in a 1972 study by Darity, Turner, and Thiebaux titled "Race Consciousness and Fears of Black Genocide," it is documented that black Americans believed the idea that, "encouraging blacks to use birth control is comparable to trying to eliminate this group from society."

This notion was further explored in 1974 when three professors published a study titled "Family Planning Services and the Distribution of Black Americans." (University of California Press on behalf of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Vol. 21, No. 5, June 1974, pp. 674-690.) Authors Kenneth C. W. Kammeyer, Norman R. Yetman, and McKee J. McClendon concluded that family planning services in the United States "were provided more frequently whenever there were black Americans in the population." They made "a strong inferential case that reactions to the racialcomposition of the population have influenced decisions to provide family planning services," suggesting that family planning services in black communities have as their purpose to control black population.
