
Lifeissues is mainly concerned with publishing thoughtful articles directly related to issues raised in Evangelium Vitae. However, from the very beginning, we have also published a few related homilies, notably by Fr. Al Cariño, O.M.I., Fr. Tony Pueyo, and others.

Please use the pulldowns below to select a homily by Liturgical Calendar date.

New! Being a Neighbor
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time ( C)

Antonio P. Pueyo
In a busy world, we are intent on doing our tasks, meeting deadlines, and minding our particular businesses. Like the priest and the Levite we have to attend to our "temple duties". Sometimes, we feel that it takes a lot of trouble to stop by and talk, much more, care for a person.

New! Do we really get it?

Tom Bartolomeo
Let's put ourselves for a moment in Moses', Paul's and Jesus' place in this world when we ask the question, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Luke 18, 18).

New! Finding one’s neighbour in the heart of God
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Douglas McManaman
If a person—whether a Jew, Muslim, Sikh, or perhaps even an atheist—truly loves his neighbor and is willing to risk so much for his neighbor’s well-being, that person loves Christ, without necessarily even knowing it or being explicitly aware of it, and he will recognize Christ in the end as the familiar face he loved in loving his neighbor, whose origin and identity is found in the Person of Christ.

New! Get Dirty (ordinary 15 2022)

Proclaim Sermons
Jesus told a parable about our ability to receive a seed from God and produce an abundant harvest. If we are good soil, we'll be amazed by what is created.