The Death Peddlers: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Steven Mosher
August 20, 2024
Reproduced with Permission
Population Research Institute

A few years ago, it would have been unthinkable to make abortion - the death of unborn children - the centerpiece of a presidential campaign.

But that's exactly what the Harris-Walz campaign is doing.

It's not just that they have abandoned former President Bill Clinton's "safe, legal, and rare" formulation and embraced the "right" to kill an unborn baby for any reason, at any time, up to and including the moment of birth - and even after birth, should the baby survive the abortion.

That, sadly, is now the position taken by all leading Democrats.

But Harris-Walz have gone ever further. They have elevated this "right" above all others, including those listed in the Bill of Rights.

Abortion is, according to Vice President Kamala Harris, "a woman's most fundamental right," meaning that in her view it trumps freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or even freedom of conscience.

But it's even worse. Not only do the two support zero limits on abortion, they want to overturn pro-life laws in dozens of states and impose their radical views on the entire nation. They want to increase funding for Planned Parenthood and shut down crisis pregnancy clinics.

Democrats like Joe Biden used to speak of abortion with a tinge, perhaps contrived, of regret. But Kamala Harris has dropped the pretense. She actually celebrates the act of stopping a beating heart, as when she gave a shout-out to Arizona Senator Eva Burch for "bravely sharing her story" of how she would be having an abortion.

On that same national abortion tour, we also saw Harris, in a first for any national candidate, campaign at an actual abortuary in Minnesota. She grinned and cackled through her speech as usual, ignoring the fact that the very ground she was standing upon was soaked with the blood of thousands of innocent victims.

Even Hitler, as he implemented his Final Solution, never visited his death camps, nor did he speak openly about them, afraid to admit publicly the evil he was secretly about.

Not Kamala. In the weeks since Harris replace Biden at the top of the Democrat picket, we've learned more than we ever wanted to know about Kamala's radicalism on the issue of abortion.

At a time when American birth rates are at historic lows, Kamala wants to drive down the birthrate even further to stop "population growth."

At a time when even China has decided it wants more - not fewer - babies, Kamala thinks it makes sense that young people should avoid having children because of "climate change."

Given all this and more, it didn't seem possible that Harris could pick a running mate who is even more radical than she is on the abortion issue.

But in Minnesota Governor Tim Walz she seems to have found one.

Walz Lied About China's One-Child Policy

One troubling sign is that Tim Walz has deep connections to the Chinese Communist Party and is an admirer of the Communist regime. He has traveled to China thirty times on China's dime. This is the very definition of a fellow traveler.

This means that, unlike Biden, Walz' connection with the Communist Chinese is more ideological than financial. This, in my view, makes him even more a danger to American liberties.

While he has criticized the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in which 10,000 or more Chinese students were deliberately killed by the Communist regime, he pointed to the clash at Wounded Knee a century earlier, as if to say that America was no better.

Even more troubling, he was in China during the heyday of China's now defunct one-child policy, which involved forced, late-term abortions and even infanticide. But instead of condemning it, he did everything in his power to justify it.

The one-child policy was necessary, Walz said, because "the Chinese population was so large." He also falsely claimed that the only consequence of having more than one child was that "the family pays a tax."

In fact, throughout the time that Walz was making repeated visits to China, women were being hunted down for the "crime" of being pregnant without permission and were being taking by force to abortion centers. I know. I was there.

Taking a leaf out of China's book, as governor Walz overturned a Minnesota law making it a crime to force a woman to get an abortion.

In other words, as governor he not only endorsed abortion up to birth, but he also gave free rein to men to coerce women into unwanted abortions when they are at their most vulnerable, emotionally and financially.

Echoing Pete Buttigieg, Tim Walz thinks that abortion has been a good thing for men. It certainly has for some, since it enables them to avoid taking responsibility for getting a young woman pregnant.

And both of them want us to pay for abortions and shut down those who offer alternatives.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are - to borrow a phrase from the late, great Father Paul Marx - death peddlers.
