Breast Cancer Awareness: An Ounce of "Prevention" is Worth a Pound of "Cure"

Judie Brown
By: Gerard M. Nadal
October 1, 2010
Reprinted with Dr. Nadal's permission
from his blog, Coming Home.
Reproduced with Permission

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time that we turn our attention to a devastating disease that strikes one out of every nine of our mothers, aunts, wives, sisters, cousins, daughters, and friends. Naturally as we focus on this terrible disease we concern ourselves with raising money to fund research for a cure. This is as it should be. However, precious little attention is paid to getting out the word on what the scientific community has already discovered relative to prevention.

We know with absolute certainty that oral contraceptives (OCs) and abortion both raise a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Renowned breast surgeon Dr. Angela Lanfranchi of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, along with City University of New York Professor of Endocrinology, Dr. Joel Brind, explain the mechanism:

Prior to a first full term pregnancy (FFTP) the cells that comprise the lobules of the breast are immature and cancer-prone Type 1 and Type 2 cells. Under the influence of the high levels of estrogen in OCs and during pregnancy, the lobules of the breast roughly double in number. This results in a doubling of the number of cancer-prone Type 1 and Type 2 cells. In pregnancy, it isn't until the third trimester under the influence of the hormone human placental lactogen that the immature cells mature into cancer-resistant Type 3 and Type 4 cells.

Read the details in this stunning pamphlet.

The science is clear that the earlier a woman bears children, and the more she nurses, the greater her protection from breast cancer. The science of the past fifty years is also abundantly clear that having an abortion prior to a FFTP allows for the proliferation of the cancer-prone Type 1 and Type 2 cells, while terminating the pregnancy prior to the onset of the third trimester's protective mechanism that converts these cells to the cancer-resistant Type 4 cells leads to increased incidence of breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer in women having an abortion prior to a FFTP ranges from 40% to 90% in most cases. In girls under the age of 18 with a family history of breast cancer, the risk becomes incalculably high.

Other institutes devoted to getting the word out about breast cancer in relation to OCs and abortion are the Polycarp Research Institute, under the direction of Chris Kalenborn, M.D.; and The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, under the direction of Ms. Karen Malec. Malec's web site is loaded with links to the scientific data and refutations to the lies told by pro-abortion apologists such as Dr. Louise Brinton of the National Cancer Institute whose own research through the years has shown the link between abortion and breast cancer, and who convened a panel in 2003 to deny the validity of fifty years of research showing that link.

The full story on Brinton's duplicity is here.

Were all of that not enough, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has been donating millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions and OCs in the nation. Their claim is that PP provides mammograms (which aid in diagnostics but not the "Cure"). In funding PP, Komen is contributing to new cases of breast cancer, a fact they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge. The truth, however, is that PP dispenses OCs like candy. They encourage a lifestyle of delaying childbirth while pumping young girls and women full of the OCs that raise their risk of developing breast cancer. Their services and the concomitant oncological sequellae consistently described in the scientific literature are completely at odds.

Though I quote statistics, these are just numbers that do not truly convey the gravity of Dr. Brinton's duplicitous behavior, behavior that is nothing less than a betrayal of women by denying them the truth that needs to inform their informed consent to abortion and the use of OCs.

Therefore, in honor of women, in honor of the hundreds of researchers who have been besmirched by Brinton and her cronies, I shall publish the results of one research paper/editorial per day beginning tomorrow and will do so every single day until I have exhausted my library of papers sometime in December or January. I shall publish the complete reference including researchers' names and affiliated institutions, a synopsis of what they did, the hard numbers from the results and the authors' conclusions. They will all be stored in the "Breast Cancer" folder in the "Categories" panel to the right.

I am deeply indebted to Ms. Karen Malec, President of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer for her generous time and efforts at bringing me up to speed on this topic, both in long telephone conversations and in sharing with me her library of scientific literature, which has saved me over a hundred hours of research and library time.

As the nation returns from summer vacation and October looms large, the pro-life community can do much by spreading the word about Dr. Lanfranchi's and Karen Malec's institutes that aim at prevention, and can do much by helping to fund their efforts at that ounce of prevention which is worth a pound of (Komen's) "cure." This year, please encourage all whom you know to help fund these two great institutes in their efforts to prevent this scourge in women, rather than forever mopping up Planned Parenthood's mess. As the reader will see daily in the months to come, Malec and Lanfranchi hold the key to this scourge.

Dr. Gerard M. Nadal holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy, Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Master of Philosophy in Biology, and Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology from Saint John's University, New York City. Dr. Nadal has taught Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics, Anatomy and Physiology, and Molecular Biology for sixteen years and is a frequent speaker on life issues and hosts a pro-life science blog, Coming Home.

Reprinted with Dr. Nadal's permission from his blog, Coming Home.
