Wolf, Jacob
1 Articles at Lifeissues.net

Jacob Wolf is Assistant Professor of Government in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Honors College at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. Prior to this, he was the 2020-2021 John and Daria Barry Postdoctoral Fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University. His expertise lies at the nexus of American politics and political philosophy, and his scholarly research investigates the theological origins of modern politics and the political origins of modern theology. He writes frequently on how democracy and individualism have changed the beliefs and practices of religion in modern America. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Boston College.


The Religion of Democracy

In her 2022 book The Ideology of Democratism, Emily Finley contends that democracy, or democratism, has become "perhaps the dominant political belief system in modern Western society." In other words, democracy has become more than a regime type; it has become a secular religion, complete with its own dogmas, practices, clerics, and eschatology.

Date posted: 2023-07-11