Veronika Winkels has just completed her BA and intends to continue studies in Science and Religion. Recently married, she and her husband have aspirations towards working in New Media and Australian Film. (2014)
As the state of Victoria goes back into lockdown with a new outbreak of coronavirus, Australians are considering their place in the world.
Date posted: 2020-07-27
Christmas time is not suited to journalism. No one wants to be political now, not when they have family to spend time with, a break from having the shoulder to the wheel, the easing of the mental load that comes with the school year.
Date posted: 2019-12-20
My understanding is that indoctrination teaches a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
Date posted: 2019-11-04
Coercion has a long history and is even more likely under new laws.
Date posted: 2019-10-21
Transgender doctors are tearing families apart.
Date posted: 2019-08-29
It is a growing crisis we can't ignore: free speech has been taking a battering in our Western countries recently.
Date posted: 2019-08-22
A new study links anxiety in children with controlling parents.
Date posted: 2019-06-15
Evidence from Australian schools where disadvantaged kids do well.
Date posted: 2019-04-26
Some people find it quaint. Others cute. Others, outmoded, even damaging. But I consider prayer to be crucial for my children, albeit counter-cultural. Because I believe there's a God who listens.
Date posted: 2019-03-27
It strikes me as odd that on the one hand, our society seems to celebrate women at every opportunity. That's not necessarily a bad thing. But it becomes a confusing thing when said society is also meant to accept, simultaneously, that gender is something wholly irrelevant to our makeup as human beings.
Date posted: 2019-03-11
As the full-time mother of two young children with a third on the way - all of us largely dependent on my breadwinner husband - I find myself in the middle of a cultural debate about women, caregiving and paid work that seems to put me on the losing side.
Date posted: 2018-10-29
For some of us it's harder to keep calm and carry on.
Date posted: 2018-09-22
There are some who say children rob you of your youth. Perhaps this belief is even influencing the trend of Western women putting off having kids till later in life. Though the delaying of motherhood is explained by demographers in various other ways, it could also betray a kind of pathology in women, persuading them to expend their youth before their children can.
Date posted: 2018-09-01
Overturning the judges' ruling could encourage real help for pregnant women. Perhaps the voices we need to pay more attention to right now are those of women who have the courage to openly acknowledge that their abortions brought them indescribable grief, and that they regret them. That group of women is a large one. Roe v. Wade made it a large one.
Date posted: 2018-08-14
Writing and motherhood can be mutually enriching.
Date posted: 2018-05-19
Let's talk about women and their choices.
Date posted: 2018-02-27
I do not think that teaching my children they can do anything they want to do, or be anything they want to be, is overly useful to them. Instead, I intend to teach them that they have some purpose in life, that they must seek it and, having once discovered it, put all their energies into it.
Date posted: 2018-02-27
An Aussie mum's view of the legalization of same-sex marriage
Date posted: 2017-12-23
When parents are as naive as teenagers about sex.
Date posted: 2017-11-04
Let mum and dad work out their own fair share of home work.
Date posted: 2017-10-21
Becoming a mother means enriching your identity, not forfeiting it.
Date posted: 2017-09-30
When a father of six leaves his family it is called courage. What does his abandoned spouse think?
Date posted: 2017-09-26
As I sat, gazing upon his small body, somewhat lost amongst the plethora of cords and tubes coming off or out of him, I found my love for him to be almost overwhelming. There's something almost supernatural about a new baby; they seem to possess a wisdom that the rest of us have lost.
Date posted: 2015-03-12
Good moral values and virtues can take many years to establish in a person. Exposing children to the type of visual message in question here is like euthanizing their purity of imagination and innocence of childhood.
Date posted: 2014-04-06