O’Leary, Dale
4 Articles at Lifeissues.net

Dale O'Leary is the author of The Gender Agenda and One Man, One Woman. Her blog can be found at http://daleoleary.wordpress.com A more comprehensive analysis titled "An Evaluation of the American Psychological Association's Task Report on the Sexualization of Girls, by Dr. Richard P. Fitzgibbons and Dale O'Leary, appeared in the Spring edition of the Ave Maria International Law Journal Vol. 1:2 (2012). It is available online at http://www.childhealing.com/articles/TSG.php"


The transgender agenda: forcing us to lie

The transgendered and their supporters claim that people are merely assigned a sex at birth, their gender identity (how they feel) may or may not match their assigned sex. The goal is to force everyone to accept that gender identity should take precedence over the biological reality of sexual identity and men who claim to be women should be treated as though they were women.

Date posted: 2016-05-15

The expanding gender agenda

The term "gender" has become ubiquitous. The forms we routinely fill out, which previously asked for our sex, now asked for our gender. Most people assumed that gender was simply a polite synonym for sex - preferable since sex has a secondary meaning, namely as a shortened form for sexual intercourse. But those pushing the use of "gender" did not do so out of an over-scrupulous sense of propriety, for them gender and sex are not synonyms.

Date posted: 2013-02-27

The loss that may not speak its name

Same-sex parenting has intrinsic flaws and deficits that exacerbate the risks intrinsic to adoption, artificial insemination, surrogate parenting, and foster care. Each child acquired by a same-sex couple is either fatherless or motherless because of adult decisions. To place a child into the legal care of a same-sex couple, or for such a couple to acquire a child via AID or surrogacy, unnecessarily endangers that child by forcing him to grow up in what is unarguably a sub-optimal environment.

Date posted: 2012-08-17

What's behind our girl-harming culture?

A professional body tackles the issue of the sexualisation of girls but fails miserably to diagnose the cause.

Date posted: 2012-07-11