McGinnis, Dot
39 Articles at

Dot McGinnis has a Scripture Major, is a published author, and has served as the Assistant Editor for Majesty; a Christian newspaper. Though now retired, Dot continues to share her writings and volunteers her services in the Heavenly Inspirations Ministries. Dot resides in Pennsylvania.


He's Waiting For You...

If you never met Jesus here's what you can do

Date posted: 2007-08-25

I Sacrifice Myself ...

I sacrifice myself my King / My life's an offering I bring. / To You.

Date posted: 2007-08-25

Legend Of The Daffodil

Their leaves upturned in praise unto, / Christ who gave Himself for you.

Date posted: 2007-08-25

My Sea of Remembrance

Please tell me Lord, where is Your sea; Your "Sea of Forgetfulness."

Date posted: 2007-08-10

God's Gift

Accept the gift that God freely gives.

Date posted: 2007-08-10

Apathy's Cry...

Remove the stench I have within, Lord, cleanse my tainted soul from sin.

Date posted: 2006-09-09

"Button Doll"

Sometimes life just isn't fair, And nobody seems to care.

Date posted: 2006-09-09

Enlighten My Heart

Enlighten the eyes of my heart, that I may know. The hope to which I am called, You love me so!

Date posted: 2006-02-22

Open My Eyes...

May I rest in the palm of Your hand for a while? Till I'm able to journey again for a mile

Date posted: 2006-02-22

"Herb of Grace"

Jesus took my sins to Calvary's tree, Sacrificed Himself so I'd be free, He took my place.

Date posted: 2005-06-18

What's Next?

Beneath my lovely locks it lay. I found it there, a strand of gray!

Date posted: 2005-06-05

A Twist of Fate

Sometimes, life seems to deal us a cruel twist of fate.

Date posted: 2005-05-22

What Is Your Name?

Everyone God ever uses has a Jacob experience where you are brought to the end of yourself and have to face up to who you really are.

Date posted: 2005-05-22

God's Chosen Vessel

In Your eyes, Lord, we are chosen vessels. Use us as You see fit, to bring honor and glory to Your precious Holy name.

Date posted: 2005-05-22

Give Them A King

I wonder how often He gives me things I ask for so that I can be like "everyone else".

Date posted: 2005-05-22

Come With Me

Jesus called us to be with him, too. He needs us to preach His Word and minister to His people.

Date posted: 2005-05-22

But, God Remembered Noah

The floodwaters in my life might not have subsided, as of yet.

Date posted: 2005-05-22

He Remembered ...

Hannah was a woman with a broken spirit. But, this year, something different happened that would change the course of history forever.

Date posted: 2005-04-30

God of All Comfort

This comforts me, Lord, knowing You'll listen for mine.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

God's Timing is Precise

Just as it wasn't the proper time for Christ's position to be filled, even though those around him thought otherwise; so it may be in your life, and mine.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Pulled to Safety

Sometimes, God has to drag us out of situations that are too dangerous for us because we lack the strength to "flee" there, ourselves.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Be Careful What You Pray For ...

"Always be careful for what and for whom you pray.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

The "Spring Cleaning" Angel

The "Spring Cleaning" Angel decided it was time to come to my house, the other day.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Canine Bliss!!!

Pals forever, 'til the end; No greater love, no truer friend.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Hedge of Protection

I'm just curious is all and Wanna see what others see.

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Spring Cleaning Angel!!!

When her visit with me's through, I'll send her packing off to you!

Date posted: 2005-03-21

The Dance

My prayer, my plea, Will someone please cut in on me?

Date posted: 2005-03-21

Hope Against Hope

Always remember Abraham. He hoped against hope!!!

Date posted: 2004-12-05

The Legend of Tinsel

The legend of tinsel tells a tale uniquely spun.

Date posted: 2004-12-05

The First Christmas Tree

T'was the lighting of the very first Christmas tree.

Date posted: 2004-12-05

Your Son

As long as your son lives, In his heart, there's a place for you.

Date posted: 2004-08-20

Nobody Loses All the Time

Remember, this statement is true.

Date posted: 2004-08-20

The Master's Hands

The same hands that bless you...break you.

Date posted: 2004-08-20

Sin of Peor

There are many temptations that plague us, as Christians, because we live in the permissive society that we do. Sexual sins like fornication, adultery, and homosexuality are some of the ones that are most prevalent.

Date posted: 2004-08-20

My Angel

My angel hides behind a cloud/ And watches down on me./ She hears all that is said to me/ And sees all that I see.

Date posted: 2004-08-16

Dear Lord ...

Take the hand, dear Lord,/ Of the one I love/ And watch him closely,/ From above.

Date posted: 2004-08-16

God's Child

God calls on certain people/ To love and follow Him/ And the baby, you hold in your arms,/ Just might be one of them.

Date posted: 2004-08-16

My Daddy

My Daddy was a fix-it man,/ Who loved to fix things with his hands./ He'd whistle tunes as he would putter,/ Amid his tools and work bench clutter.

Date posted: 2004-08-16


Sometime, we'll meet again,/ Somewhere in the sky,/ And, together, we'll sit/ On heaven's steps;/ Watching the stars go by.

Date posted: 2004-08-16