Cole S. Aronson studies at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shevut, Israel.
Israelis celebrate their writers, artists, scientists, jurists, industrialists, and statesmen who fought wars of life and death. And of course there are other ways to serve - caring for the mentally ill, for abandoned children, for the elderly and sick. I am grateful for all of these exemplars. But for me, it will always be specifically the young men and women who go to the army intending to return (many, alas, do not return) to their studies when their missions are done. These people go on to have families, large ones, and jobs of all kinds, and different hobbies and interests and vocations. Their commitments are ordered by a conscious dedication to the Lord of all flesh.
Date posted: 2024-06-06
Conservatives should oppose "gender-affirming" surgeries with a positive account of human freedom ordered towards the goods that make freedom a blessing rather than a curse.
Date posted: 2023-04-11
That motherhood and childhood begin in pregnancy is highly embarrassing to liberal anthropology. The physical and genealogical dependence of children on their parents attacks the thesis that we are isolated individuals rather than members of families that precede and survive us.
Date posted: 2021-09-12