Leading pro-life group Precious Life says abortion is resulting in Northern Ireland "literally dying" after an official report predicts the largest decrease in the population of children. Precious Life say pro-life and pro-family policies are the only way to reverse the trend.
A report from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) forecasts that Northern Ireland's population will begin to decline due to a low birth rate. Among the UK's constituent parts, Northern Ireland is projected to experience the largest drop in its child population.
NISRA predicts that within just six years, deaths will outnumber births annually--a trend expected to continue. Any population increase after 2031 would be solely due to migration. The projections indicate that by 2027, the number of pensioners will exceed the number of children. Meanwhile, the working-age population (those aged 16-64) is expected to start declining by mid-2028. By 2047, children will comprise less than one-sixth of the total population.