Sacrificing children to adult desires

David Bell

Some actions of humans are so dark that we prefer to ignore them, avoiding the darkening of our own thoughts. When others assist us by denigrating truth-tellers or censoring news, we may be quietly grateful as life seems better when not intruded upon by the pain of victims or the abuse of their torturers.

We find it easier to acknowledge past abuse as a way of showing virtue in the present - such as recognizing the Holocaust or massacres under colonial powers. It is also easy to point fingers at foreign countries and condemn their abuses and their cover-ups. Such long-distance condemnation also enables a feeling of virtue. Thus, we can ignore abuses in our own countries, condemning their victims to continued trauma without feeling that we are part of the problem.

Selling children's pain on the web

In September 2019, the New York Times put out a long report on the abuse of children in the United States. The children were used to create violent pornographic images for the gratification of adults. It was (and is) harrowing reading. It explains the massive extent of the problem; the abduction, enslavement, and assault of little children to produce the images that some people enjoy watching. It is harrowing as it details the widespread torture of children in the United States and other countries for pleasure.

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