Did Tim Walz allow abortion for any reason up to birth? Here's what the law he signed says

Daniel Payne

What does Minnesota law say?

Though Walz appears eager to avoid discussing the details of the law he signed, Minnesota law does in fact allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, with no restrictions whatsoever, and that legislation to guarantee this "right" was signed by Walz himself.

The state's Protect Reproductive Options Act, signed by Walz in January 2023, establishes that, in Minnesota, "every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about how to exercise this fundamental right." The measure imposes no restrictions on abortion at any stage and enshrines that "right" in the state constitution.

Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates agree that there are no restrictions on abortion in Minnesota. The group Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) says on its website that the law signed by Walz imposes "no limitations [on abortion] at any stage in pregnancy,"

The website AbortionFinder, meanwhile, states that abortion "is legal throughout pregnancy in Minnesota" and that there is "no ban or limit on abortion in Minnesota based on how far along in pregnancy you are."

MCCL co-executive director Cathy Blaeser told CNA on Monday that Minnesota is in a state of "abortion free-for-all."

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