A new research project from the American Life League reveals that despite limitations imposed in some states, abortion regulations have not and will not work to stop abortion pills from being sold. The proof is outlined in Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel, a 13-page report released by American Life League on September 25, 2024.
The report alleges that networks of abortion providers and volunteers are working as drug dealers, using the Internet and the U.S. postal system to send abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) illegally and directly to customers.
The abortion pills end a pregnancy by a two-step process. First, the pregnant mother takes mifepristone, which cuts off the supply of progesterone created by the mother's body, a natural hormone her preborn baby needs to grow. The baby starves to death in the womb. Then, several days later, the mother takes the second pill, misoprostol, causing her body to contract and expel the dead baby from her womb.