Cleveland Diocese Issues Model LGBT Policy

Bill Donohue

The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, under the leadership of Bishop Edward C. Malesic, has issued a policy for Catholic parishes and schools on sexuality and gender identity that is a model for all Catholic entities, nationwide. Predictably, LGBT activists and their supporters in the media and politics are unhappy, and some are seriously misrepresenting the policy.

In explaining his position, Bishop Malesic restated Church teachings on this matter. "The human person," he said, "created in the image and likeness of God, deserves the utmost respect, for each person's dignity is inherent and inviolable." This set the tone for his policy.

Contrary to what some are saying, the policy does not forbid students who suffer from gender dysphoria--or confusion about their biological sex--from attending Catholic schools. None will be denied. But what will not be tolerated are public denunciations of Church teachings on sexuality. This would include strictures on homosexuality and gender identity. In other words, everyone is welcome to attend Catholic schools, but no one is allowed to publicly resist what the Church teaches.

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