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Argentina joins a growing number of countries fighting against gender ideology On January 24, Dutch PVV leader Geert Wilders endorsed Donald Trump's executive order affirming that there are two biological sexes. On February 5, Argentina's presidential office announced that President Javier Milei would be signing a ban on sex change 'treatments' for minors under the age of 18 - including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones - and taking some steps to ensure that trans-identifying male convicts are not incarcerated in male prisons. 'Gender ideology taken to the extreme and applied to children by force or psychological coercion simply constitutes child abuse,' Milei government said in a published statement. From the Olympics to the NCAA, the Ground under Trans Sports Crumbles There are lots of questions about what the 2028 Olympics will look like after California's wildfires, but one thing isn't in doubt about the Los Angeles Games: men will not be stealing women's medals. At least not if Donald Trump can help it. On the same day that the president set fire to the radical trans sports agenda of the Biden administration, he announced that the Olympics would no longer be a gender free-for-all where women watch helplessly as men shatter their lifelong hopes and dreams. Trump's executive order on women's sports will resound across the globe If a picture is worth a thousand words, President Donald Trump's photo of him in the Oval Office, surrounded by women and girls of all ages, signing an executive order protecting women's sports, is surely worth a screed in the history books. Among many things, it signals to the rest of the world that America will no longer participate in leftist ideology that hurts women and girls in the name of inclusivity. And the rest of the world should continue to follow. New Study Shows Men Face Mental Health Issues After Partner Aborted Their Baby Men who struggle emotionally after losing a child to abortion have suffered largely in silence. However, if this new study is any indication, that may be changing. USAID Funneled Nearly $800 Million To 'Gender Transformative' Global Censorship Group USAID funneled $799 million to a group that launched a global censorship platform and pushed radical gender ideology. Surrounded By Young Female Athletes, Donald Trump Bans Men From Women's Sports 'From now on,' Trump said 'women's sports will be for only women' 'She had a syringe, razor blade, and bandages': Surviving genital mutilation Some 230 million girls in more than 90 countries - predominantly in Africa and Asia - have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) and can suffer lifelong physical, emotional and psychological scars, an issue that the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency has been tackling with the support of the international community including the United States. Building a culture of life by caring for the sick Both caring for someone and allowing yourself to be taken care of are immense blessings. Pope: Defend human dignity, eliminate human trafficking Pope Francis releases a message to mark the 11th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, and praises the work of those combating the scourge of modern slavery. President Trump Tells National Prayer Breakfast: "America Will Always be One Nation Under God" President Donald Trump participated in the National Prayer Breakfast, a tradition since 1953 aimed at fostering bipartisan fellowship among lawmakers. More Headlines…
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It is estimated that about 38% of the Japanese population is above the age of 60. People aged 70 or over represent 22.2%. Japan also has a record number of centenarians: over 95,119. This figure is expected to rise to 440,000 by 2050. In addition, a worldwide scale shows people aged 65 years or older are expected to reach 1.6 billion in 2050. In brief, population ageing is an irreversible global trend. We ask, "What basic drive does the ageing generation have in common?" Simply put, the older we get, 'the later', we think, "old age" begins. >Our basic fear< is dying. We all want to live as long as possible. That is why taking care of our health and trying to avoid dangerous situations is so important. Reading in the newspaper about people celebrating their ninetieth or even hundredth birthday makes us happy. We want to know their secrets to living a long, healthy life. We want to put off death as long as possible. There are some people who are so afraid of their own deaths that they have gone to extremes to try to preserve their lives. Now there are companies that offers to freeze a person's body so that, if science gets to the point of being able to bring people back to life after death, you can be resuscitated.
Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog... Ethical Perspectives Michael F. Burbidge Catholics are called to walk compassionately with couples experiencing the heartache of infertility, and to help them access "life-giving and restorative options" to conceive a child, while resisting the appeal of in vitro fertilization, or IVF, which "remains replete with moral difficulties," Bishop Michael F. Burbidge wrote in a new pastoral letter.
Ian Speir As lawmakers across the country increase their scrutiny of emerging technologies, tech-savvy religious organizations will have to navigate an increasingly contested boundary line between the requirements of law and the demands of faith. Louis T. March The study is a wake-up call for a world sleepwalking into unprecedented social upheaval. It examines"implications of a new demographic reality brought on by falling fertility and increasing longevity... reshaping global populations." This is not a forecast; it is unfolding as we speak. The implications are breathtaking. Humanity is on the cusp of precipitous and prolonged population collapse caused by an unprecedented decades-long birth dearth. Susan Ciancio Porn is something that many people are reluctant to talk about. It makes us uncomfortable. Sometimes we don't want to talk about it because it's embarrassing. Or it's embarrassing to our children. But, with the prevalence of porn and the ease with which kids can access it, these are conversations we must have in order to protect our children. Susan Ciancio Marriage is supposed to be forever. In front of God, your family, and your friends, that is what you promised. You ask yourself if you can get past this, if you can ever trust your spouse again or be trusted again. You wonder, Do I even want to? It all feels unbearably hard and overwhelming.
Judith Reisman Having worked for the US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency under the Reagan administration as Principal Investigator for an $800,000 grant to examine, Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, I was in a unique position to uncover the problem of rotten research and rotten researchers. William E. May Today legislation requires patients to provide doctors, clinics, hospitals etc. with "advance directives." An advance directive is a document by which a person makes provision for health care decisions in the event that, in the future, he or she is no longer competent to make such decisions for himself or herself.
Shannon Roberts New Zealand has a uniquely ethnically diverse society, according to a recently released New Zealand demographical report. I was surprised to learn that as many as one in four people living in New Zealand in 2013 was born in another country. In fact, Auckland (New Zealand's largest city) is one the most immigrant-dependent cities in the world, with 39 percent of Aucklanders born overseas. Jennifer Roback Morse The case of a Belgian woman who committed physician-assisted suicide after a sex-change operation reveals that we must not only look more closely at the causes of gender dysphoria, we must also offer all people the love that they so deeply need. Marcus Roberts Are reports of a sex ratio imbalance exaggerated?
Asia Human Rights President Rodrigo Duterte's political allies in Congress are proposing to change from a presidential form of government, to a federal one. Michael Cook Haruko Obokata reportedly has told co-authors on the paper on stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) cells that she was prepared to retract it. Judith Reisman Among the sexually explicit items that can be found on Spencer's shelves are "Pimp" and "Ho" mugs, pole-dancing kits, gstring and phallic-shaped candy, handcuffs for sadomasochistic "games," sexualized school-girl costumes, and pornographic posters and tee-shirts. An example of the latter depicts various silhouettes of a woman on a leash, along with the words "How to train your bitch." The stores also feature items promoting illicit drugs (such as marijuana-flavored lollipops) and binge drinking. Preparing for Marriage
Immediate Preparation: Preparing Materially and Spiritually for the Wedding...
William E. May Once the date for the wedding has been set, the engaged couple must prepare spiritually and materially for the wedding, fulfill legal requirements and requirements of their religious communities, and plan for the wedding ceremony. This article centers on these matters.
Louis T. March A demographic targeted for destruction?
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