Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
April 25, 2024

Breaking News

We Should have Compassion for Babies, Born and Unborn
The importance of a single life -- specifically, a baby's life -- to change the world can never be underestimated.

Planned Parenthood Kills 40% of All Babies Who Die in Abortions
Planned Parenthood's latest annual report "Above & Beyond" for 2022-2023 is of special interest because it is the first by the abortion giant officially covering the time since the June 2022 overturn of Roe. As such, it gives people an idea as to how much business was and was not affected by the Dobbs decision overturning Roe and what steps the group has taken to keep the nation's largest abortion chain open and busy.

Planned Parenthood Brought in $2.9 Billion Last Year, Killed 1,075 Babies in Abortions Every Day
Despite the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey on June 24, 2022, Planned Parenthood aborted five percent more unborn children during the 2022-2023 fiscal year than the previous year and brought in more than $2.9 billion in assets.

Catholic Bishops Call for Day of Prayer to Save Babies From Abortion
The Catholic bishops in Poland are calling for citizens of the eastern European country to set aside a day of prayer to save babies from abortion. While the call is for the EU nation to rally in prayer, there's no reason why Christians across the globe can't join in to pray for unborn children to be spared from the terrible tragedy of abortion.

Is a 15-Week Abortion Ban Actually Pro-Choice? And if so, how should pro-life Christians respond?
In 2012, when I became the president and CEO of Care Net, the Republicans and Democrats supported very different national policy positions on abortion.

Assisted suicide numbers in Oregon continue to rise
In 1997, Oregon became the first jurisdiction to legalise physician-assisted suicide for people with a terminal illness. Since then, numbers have increased year-on-year, and this shows no sign of slowing.

Inside the horrifying world of transgender surgery
WPATH, or the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, is respected as the peak body for transgender medicine. Its 'standards of care' (SOC) were once regarded as a benchmark for ethical and effective treatment for minors and adults. ...Its prestige, however, has been tarnished by the leak of hundreds of posts from an internal messaging forum. These are evidence of doctors basing their surgery, even on young people, on trial and error, not on medical research. The internet went wild over the leak. The Times of London called WPATH quack medicine, and Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Lauren Schwartz, MD, stated: 'WPATH has evolved into one of the most egregious disfigurements of medical practice our profession has ever encountered.

MIT, Harvard professors slam pro-LGBT phrase 'sex assigned at birth' in New York Times column
Instead of asking for a person's sex, some medical and camp forms these days ask for 'sex assigned at birth' or 'assigned sex' (often in addition to gender identity). The American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association endorse this terminology; its use has also exploded in academic articles. The Cleveland Clinic's online glossary of diseases and conditions tells us that the 'inability to achieve or maintain an erection' is a symptom of sexual dysfunction, not in 'males,' but in 'people assigned male at birth.' In short, this shift in language has been real, discernable, and imposed from the top down.

New Study: Abortion Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
A new longitudinal peer-reviewed study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute has shown that abortions are an independent risk factor for increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), the leading cause of death among women.

Catholic Bishops Say Killing Babies in Abortions "Can Never be a Fundamental Right"
"By inserting it into the constitution, the left wants to make abortion sacred as if it were a value at the heart of the national 'social contract,'" Bauer told the Catholic News Agency last year. "From being a crime, abortion has become a banal medical act, and the left now is seeking to make it a fundamental right, superior to every other right."

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Human Dignity and Shady Characters

It appears today that the truth is not important anymore. What is important is to do what is "politically correct", not what is right. Our involvement in politics should be driven by the uncompromising belief that no one is worthless and that truth is paramount. For this reason, we, as Christians, defend the Right of the unborn to live. It is also the reason why we stand against suicide and euthanasia. We do not have a right to kill people because they are near death and need our help. Our witness to the dignity of human life also requires that we speak up against unjust wars, (eg. Ukraine, Gaza), for migrants who are fleeing violence (eg. Somalia, Kenya) and other hardships (eg. North Korea, Afghanistan). These people have dignity no matter what language they speak and no matter what religion they practice. The same is true for prisoners. No matter what crimes they have committed, their lives still matter and they still deserve to be treated with respect. As Christians, we must give voice to all those people whom the world says are worthless. When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make any compromises. Period! The world needs our witness more than ever. So let us not be afraid to speak up for those who are so often forgotten and overlooked. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Dignitas Infinita Defends Intrinsic Human Dignity

Shenan J. Boquet
Dignitas infinita is receiving considerable attention in the media, due to the fact that it re-affirms long-standing Catholic teaching on certain controversial issues, such as transgenderism, abortion, euthanasia, and surrogacy.

New! Social Problems and the Eugenics Debate: Is Eugenics Ethical?

Brian Clowes
If any single age really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after are the patients of that power, slaves to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners. If man chooses to treat himself as raw material, raw material he will be. - C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man.

New! Artificial Wombs Will Compound the Harm Reproductive Tech Inflicts on Children

Katy Faust
What should be at the forefront of everyone's mind is the question, "How does all this technological tinkering affect the kids?" We are only beginning to be able to answer that question.

New! Inside the horrifying world of transgender surgery

Faith Kuzma
The idea of a "sex change" is essentially binary and therefore old-fashioned. There are only two sexes, so there are only two possible sex changes - male to female and female to male. A gender fluid world opens up a whole spectrum of possibilities.

New! Pastoral statement for World Earth Day
Earth Day focuses attention on appreciation and stewardship for Planet Earth.

Michael D. Pfeifer
Earth Day reminds us that the engagement of the world must transcend politics, personal policy, agendas, and focus on human ecology which calls for a conversion of political, economic, cultural, and social systems as well as individual lifestyles, and sharing all of Earth's goods with all inhabitants. We are living in a time of crisis, fracturing the environment in countless ways including global climate change.

European Suicide, Spiritual and Physical

John Stonestreet
We've already witnessed the spiritual demise of Europe. Can its physical demise be far behind?

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Stephen J. Heaney
When a woman claims to be a man, should the university and the press play along?

Is it a Baby or a Number?

Judie Brown
Douthat closed with these words, "This is the paradox of Americas unborn. No life is so desperately sought after, so hungrily desired, so carefully nurtured. And yet no life is so legally unprotected, and so frequently destroyed."

"Freedom," "Choice," and Physician-Assisted Suicide

Gerard T. Mundy
The supporters of physician-assisted suicide are indefatigable in their quest to legalize the practice in the United States, and they are co-opting the conception of freedom, as understood by the prevailing political thought during the American founding, to support their cause.

15th Study Links Abortion and Substance Abuse

The Post-Abortion Review
Women who have an abortion are five times more likely to report subsequent substance abuse compared to women who carry to term, according to a study published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.

Clarification on GIFT and IUI: Assisting or Substituting the Conjugal Act?

William E. May
I urge readers not to believe either Dr. Florez or me; they should examine the arguments and evidence we offer to support our claims to see which is better. But we are all to believe the Church. When and if she, through her magisterium, rejects one or the other of these two contradictory opinions, we must all accept that teaching and if our view was rejected, readily abandon it.

Unpacking the slogans

Walter R Schumm
As a sociologist my life is all about creating, taking and interpreting surveys of attitudes and opinions. So I sometimes feel a bit depressed at how knuckle-headed the media can be when reporting about research on same-sex marriage. Let's look at a slogan which is being repeated over and over Same-sex parents are just as good at parenting as heterosexuals. This looks simple -- but its simplicity is deceptive.

Enough of parenting misery lit

Mariette Ulrich
Raising kids is not a Sunday stroll in the park, but if you never get there, whose fault is it?

Requested Individual Testimony on Canadian Bill C-13
Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Irving News Comments
Having reviewed this Bill thoroughly, it is clear to me that C-13 is identical to the former Bill C-56. I will list here only the major concerns and problems I have with this Bill.

OECD releases "first ever" report on families

Carolyn Moynihan
The OECD, an alliance of richer countries, released its "first ever report on family well-being" this week, according to a press release. Considering that it has existed for 50 years, one wants to know what took it so long. Hopefully, this step means that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development now realises that a sound economy depends ultimately on the health of the family unit.