Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
January 25, 2025

Breaking News

Anita's Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex "Marriage" Is Far From Over
Pro-abortionists complacently hid behind the wall of settled law for years. The overturning of Roe v. Wade proved the myth wrong. It showed that the poorly written decision was not etched in stone but dissolved when subjected to legal scrutiny. Other liberal idols are likewise vulnerable.

More Studies Show Patients With Severe Brain Injuries are Not "Vegetables"
We've run a bundle of fascinating stories over the years about people who suffered severe brain injuries, were thought to be unresponsive, but who prove to be aware of their surroundings. This diagnosis is particular sensitive when the patient is said to be in a "vegetative" or "minimally conscious" state.

How Legalizing Surrogacy Helps Activists 'Queer Babies'
Boross suggests "surrogate babies are queer creatures by default," "given their prenatal history," and "that queerness can serve as a window into the queerness of all babies."

Abortion Can't be Pro-Woman When So Many Women Regret Their Abortions
Ending abortion requires exposing abortion: Showing what it does to the baby, showing what it does to the mother and everyone else. The testimonies given at this gathering expose that damage, as the moms describe how they were deceived into thinking abortion was a solution to their problems, but how they learned - too late - that it only created more problems.

Pro-Abortion Doctors Admit Late-Term Abortions are Not Medically Necessary
How can anyone justify killing a preborn baby just weeks before he or she could be born full-term?

Aborted Babies Were Taken With Medical Waste to be Burned for Energy
In the heart of the nation's capital, a gruesome discovery was made of babies aborted in the District of Columbia and then transported to Baltimore to be burned to generate electricity.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment Report
"Male inmates identifying as women are disproportionately likely to have committed sexual offenses, and incarcerated women face heightened risks of harassment and assault under these policies."

Abortion is Not a "Loving Act" Because You Don't Kill the People You Love
There is hardly an action - no matter how revolting, immoral or violent - that doesn't have defenders who will say, "But we can't really judge others unless we've walked in their shoes." Others will go even further to charge those who refuse to agree that all things are relative with intolerant "judgmentalism."

Mel Gibson Condemns Abortion: "It's Human Sacrifice"
"What leads to cultural collapse? Human sacrifice. We do that. We do." It became clear that the "human sacrifice" Gibson referred to was abortion, including sacrificing humans outside the womb for lousy policy and leadership. Despite some perceived mild pushback from Rogan, who's more pro-choice, Gibson leaned into the point. "It's a mess. The human sacrifice aspect is alive and well in our society."

How Sex Traffickers Prey on the Vulnerabilities of Immigrant Populations
Across the globe, sex traffickers prey on the vulnerabilities of immigrants. In a world plagued by war, political instability, poverty, and an array of other calamities, it is common for those from affected regions to seek refuge in foreign countries. Tragically, unscrupulous individuals often leverage the desperation and vulnerabilities of those seeking to flee such circumstances as a means of trafficking them into prostitution. These vulnerabilities can include limited economic resources, inability to speak the native language, or unfamiliarity with the laws of the country they are residing in.

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Recent Articles By:


Is Society Dehumanizing Unborn Babies

Question? Why is there this sudden evil urge to attack procreation today? Procreation, the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing a biological offspring, is gradually becoming equal with the phrase "profit and power at any cost". Just look around and see how big industry is extending its strong influence over procreation by changing the meaning of procreation in manufacturing, engineering and controlling. One example: babies are created by IVF. What is IVF? In Vitro Ferilization: An egg is fertilized by injecting a single sperm into the egg or mixing the egg with sperm in a petri dish. In the process, on the average of 24 tiny babies die in order for one life to survive. Another example: Selected embryos are implanted in an uterus. The big question is: Whose uterus? The mother's? A rented one (surrogacy)? An artificial womb? Yes, we are approaching a biotechnological breakthrough with artificial wombs. Is it possible to create a human artificial uterus? In 2021, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel built a mechanical uterus and grew mouse embryos outside the uterus for several days. Following this path, Ectogenesis could completely change the nature of human reproduction in the future. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Half of Abortion Patients' Suicide Attempts Self-Attributed to Their Abortions, New Study of Random Sample

David C. Reardon
One-third of abortion patients report having attempted suicide, with 94% reporting that their abortion experiences contributed to that attempt, according to a new peer reviewed study of a national, random sample of women.

New! Why We Must Actively Defend the Sacredness of Human Life

Shenan J. Boquet
Every day, thousands of abortions are still taking place across the country; innocent human beings are being killed. This means that marches, walks, and rallies for life are as urgent as they ever were. They prompt us to more actively work toward a greater respect for the sacredness of human life from fertilization to natural death, as well as to pursue ways to protect human life in law, especially the preborn.

New! On Angels, Demons, and Artificial Intelligence

Dhananjay Jagannathan
In order to understand and evaluate claims about artificial intelligence, we need a satisfying theory of mind that can account both for the intelligent capacities of human beings and those of actual and possible beings that are significantly unlike us.

New! Stealth Euthanasia

Judie Brown
While it is true that abortion, whether committed by chemical, surgical, or over-the-counter actions always results in the death of a person, it is equally true that the elderly and the sickly can suffer the same types of death. One pro-life hero, Paul Byrne, MD, calls this practice imposed death.

New! Abortion is the Worst Moral Evil Day by Day in the USA
Pastoral Pro-Life Statement by Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI

Michael D. Pfeifer
Day by day abortion is indeed the worst moral evil in the USA because of the huge numbers of precious unborn children of God, true human persons, killed by this brutal cruel act. Sacred scripture makes several references of how God sees the sacredness of these tiny innocent baby in a mothers' womb. For example, we hear, "you knit me in my mother's womb." Medical science has reaffirmed how God sees these precious little ones, pointing out that life indeed begins at conception. Each newly conceived tiny human being has his/her complete DNA. Both Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Francis have called abortion murder. Pope Francis has referred to the brutal killing of the unborn as an act of assassination.

Short Commentary on Matthew, No. 43

Anthony Zimmerman
The last sentence spoken by Jesus, namely that John is the greatest of those ever born of women, yet "the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" has puzzled me.

Hormonal Contraceptives Increase Breast Cancer Risk, New Study Finds

Steven Mosher
A study published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine has found that hormonal contraceptives, including oral contraceptive pills and hormone-releasing IUDs, significantly increase women's risk for breast cancer.

What Would a Change in Catholic Moral Teaching Imply?

Douglas McManaman
Those who advocate for a change in Church teaching on certain moral issues, such as contraception, or sexual expression between two people of the same sex, or even the ordination of women, etc., must seriously consider the implications of the idea. There are a number of angles from which to explore this. I would like to consider what the implications of a change in Church teaching (i.e., in matters of sexual ethics and some basic life issues) would imply with respect to the Church's moral authority, but I would like to do so from a mathematical point of view. I will attempt to show that a simple Bayesian probability calculus might be all we need to demonstrate that the Church would lose almost all of her moral authority if she were to proceed in this direction, a direction the German synodal path seems to be taking.

Hospice vs. Palliative Care vs. Patients and Families who Choose Life

Ione Whitlock
The medical landscape has changed dramatically since the 1980s when palliative care was synonymous with hospice, when "the right to refuse treatment" was a greater concern than being discharged from the hospital too early, and when the government wasn't openly discussing national health care rationing schemes to fix the shortage problems caused by its endless centralized planning, redistribution, and the toxic effects of meddling with payment methods. In such a context, one is well-advised to be skeptical of a referral to palliative care.

Childbirth and marriage are "just a pain" in Korea

Shannon Roberts
South Korea's birth rate drops below 1.

Kinsey Consequences: It's Rotten Research-ers

Judith Reisman
Having worked for the US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency under the Reagan administration as Principal Investigator for an $800,000 grant to examine, Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, I was in a unique position to uncover the problem of rotten research and rotten researchers.

The Truth about Men, Women, and Sex

Mark Regnerus
Recent revelations about sexual harassment, assault, and abuse underscore certain blunt realities about men, women, and sex. How can we confront those realities in a way that leads to less sexual violence?

A Presumption of Omnipotence

Judie Brown
We are living in a time of egoism run amuck! That is how we view the American landscape where, in recent months, it is safer to be a dog than it is to be a human being.

Euthanasia as "Comfort"

Judie Brown
When you look out your window next time as the sun is slowly setting, reflect on the glorious nature of God's creation. Reflect also on folks like Faye Girsh, who take no such comfort in nature's majesty, and who spend their leisure time thinking up ways to end the lives of others - the most integral part of God's creation. This latest innovation is a doozy!

The Bartimaeus Lens (Original Times 30)

Proclaim Sermons
Saint Mark is the only gospel writer who gives us a name for an unfortunate beggar who had the good fortune of meeting a well-known miracle worker whose fame was growing. Although the beggar was blind, he could quite clearly see an opportunity when it showed up. And when Jesus came near, he saw that he'd better seize the moment; he was not likely to get another one.