Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
October 15, 2024

Breaking News

Evangelium Vitae and the culture of death today
The systematic willingness to choose and intend the death of powerless victims that constitutes the culture of death makes the pro-life question unique among the full spectrum of ethical issues.

Did Tim Walz allow abortion for any reason up to birth? Here's what the law he signed says
Since Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris picked him as her running mate, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz has faced challenges from Republicans, pro-life advocates, and the media to defend his extreme positions on abortion.

Four Women's Volleyball Teams Forfeit - Won't Play Team with a Man
Four collegiate women?s volleyball teams have chosen to forfeit their matches, rather than play a team with a man who claims he is a woman.

Fact Check: Some babies are executed after they're born.
Is it true that babies are being aborted after they're born?

Giving the Girl Child her voice to increase awareness of her needs, dignity and potential
11 October is the International Day of the Girl Child. In 2024, the theme for the celebration is 'Girls Vision for the Future.' Every child is a gift from God that deserves to be loved, appreciated and respected.

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to anti-nuclear group Nihon Hidankyo
The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo awards the 2024 Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of atomic bomb survivors, for its activism against nuclear weapons.

'Pivotal moment' as violence against children reaches unprecedented levels worldwide
Violence against children remains a pervasive global issue, with up to a billion children vulnerable to various forms of abuse, according to United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children.

How Feminism Makes Everyone Transgender And What To Do About It
Contrary to propaganda messaging, our society is neither 'overfeminized' nor 'pro-woman.' It is deeply anti-woman.

Pro-Life Advocate Suffers Horrible Mistreatment After Biden/Harris Put Her in Prison for Protesting Abortion
Idoni and her husband, who are both heavily involved in pro-life work, have five biological children and have adopted 10 boys from Ukraine.

Data: U.S. Hospitals Transitioned Nearly 6,000 Kids From 2019-2023
'Patients are being harmed by sex transition. That cannot be disputed ... The medical profession has lost its way.'

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I leaned down and kissed my son

Dear Friends for Life: Many individuals in today's society understand the pain felt by mothers after they have aborted their babies. But what about Post-Abortion Syndrome which affects men? As the body count of unborn babies continues to increase, research shows that more and more fathers are desperately crying out in pain as a result of these abortions. While browsing google on this topic, I ran across the following article: "My 'Friend' Assumed I'd Be Pro Abortion for Cleft Babies Like Mine & He's Dead Wrong". This, in turn, resulted in writing on abortion and unborn babies with cleft lip. "I leaned down and kissed my son." Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Dead to the World

Douglas McManaman
To be alive to God, one has to be dead to the world. This is a basic principle of the spiritual life. The less one is dead to the world, the less that person is alive to God.

New! An IVF Primer

R. J. Snell
These essays are not provided out of callousness or a lack of empathy, but if we are to be responsible, we must be well-informed so that we can judge and choose in keeping with the truth of things.

New! Reflections on Israel's Exceptional Fertility

Daniel Kane
The enduring source of the Children of Israel's exceptional, future-oriented natalism is their intense, equally exceptional rootedness in their shared past.

New! Desperate people in Myanmar are selling their organs

Antonio Graceffo
The economic crisis caused by Myanmar's civil war is a humanitarian catastrophe, fuelling hunger, desperation - and the sale of human organs.

New! The Reality of Partial-Birth Abortion

Shenan J. Boquet
For thousands of years, people have found ways to kill unwanted babies. From taking pills to tearing a child to pieces prior to birth to even throwing a baby off a cliff, it often seems that any method will do. Parents seek only the end result - being rid of the baby.

Sweetening the pill

Carolyn Moynihan
A young woman dissolves the sugar coating on the contraceptive pill and exposes its harmful, anti-woman core.

Juvenile Justice and Jesus
We Must Do Better

Eric Metaxas
Jesus cared passionately about prisoners. Throw in what he said about little ones and millstones, and we'd better care about juvenile offenders.

Pandemic Lessons: Homecoming, Homeschooling, and the Home Economy

Joshua Pauling
A powerful antidote to such atomistic existence, loneliness, and alienation, is found in the family: productive, resilient, and together. A family-centered life with the home as the engine of education and economics orders one's vocations and roles in ways that build lasting familial bonds and provide stability amid a changing world. COVID-19 quarantining provides an opportunity for this reality to sink in.

Human Cloning

Helen Watt
Cloning involves the production of a child to predetermined specifications: a child who will have no genetic parents in the true sense of the term. If the child created dies in the lab, to provide stem cells for someone else's use, this is hardly an improvement. Embryos are not raw material for our medical or scientific projects. They are young human beings, whose lives and bodies ought to be respected.

200 Million Children Are "Virtual Slaves"

Judith Reisman
Heeding the "free trade" rhetoric describing GATT, one would think its speedy passage meant greater international trade with governments elected by and accountable to an informed, literate electorate, all of whom share America's legal and moral standards. Those concerned about our yoke to foreign nations and multi-national powers (outlined in GATT's 22,000 pages plus) may find reason for larger concerns when examining the organized, decades long, international traffic in drugs, child labor and heterosexual and homosexual child prostitution and child pornography.

Can Objective Morality Make a Comeback?

David G. Bonagura, Jr.
Laws and moral prohibitions - even seemingly obvious ones like the prohibition of killing innocents - do not function in a vacuum; their meanings and powers stem from a prior metaphysical order, independent of any individual's perception, in which they originate and can be understood.

Father's importance

Sheila Liaugmina
He's supposed to be the rock, the head of the family, the protector, in the right order of things. But classic family identity roles are under tremendous cultural pressure and social commentators won't dare talk in those terms anymore. That doesn't change the truth.

Nepal: Current problem of human rights violations in Nepal

Asia Human Rights
We wish to stop Nepal from the critical situation of entering into a civil war again because of institutional corruption another human rights abuses such as murder, rape and abductions. We therefore call on the international community and the Asian Human Rights Commission, to take note of the atrocious situation currently occurring in Nepal.

Killing the killer is not the solution

Charles J. Chaput
A culture ultimately defines its moral character by the value it places on each human life, particularly those lives which seem burdensome, inconsequential or unworthy. Violent criminals present an especially difficult moral challenge for us, because their own cruelty has forced them to the margins of society. Recognizing a criminal's humanity is difficult when our hearts are clouded by anger and pain.

Baby Is a Punk Rocker: On the Givenness of Life

Nathanael Blake
Excessive efforts to control the givenness of our children's lives reveal our doubt that life is a good gift in itself. They also show a vision of human flourishing that is dependent upon material prosperity, personal achievements, and social status.