Promiscuity's Tragic Trail

John B. Shea
Reproduced with Permission

The virtue of chastity is the only certain way of preventing the deadly consequences of promiscuity. Postponing sexual activity until marriage with an uninfected mate is the only realistic way for anyone to be one hundred percent sure of avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. It also precludes the dangers of contraceptive pill use, and the temptation to have an abortion with its harmful consequences.

What Damage has Promiscuity Done?

'Safe' Sex - The Condom Illusion

Dire Effects of STDs


Women: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Men: Inflammation of testicle

Newborn: Premature birth


Women: PID

Men: Sterility

Fetus and Newborn:

Hepatitis B: (HBV)

Women and men:

Fetus and Newborn:

Genital Herpes: (HSV-2)

Fetus and Newborn:

Human Papilloma Virus: (HPV)



Fetus and Newborn:


Women and Men:

Fetus and Newborn:

Human Immuno-deficiency Virus: (HIV)

Women and Men:

Fetus and Newborn:

Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) - Illusions

It is an illusion that the OCP is harmless.

Why have doctors, pharmacists, and the manufacturers not warned women of the dangers of breast cancer in connection with taking OCPs? Financial incentive and fear of being criticized by colleagues may be partly responsible.

The 'Safe' Abortion Illusion

When contraception fails many women are tempted to have an abortion.

When more than one factor affects the risk of developing breast cancer, the risk is calculated by multiplying the independent risk factors, e.g. Among women with a family history of breast cancer, any woman who uses OCPs for 5 or more years has her risk of getting breast cancer increased to 3 times normal. If she had no family history, it would be twice normal. If a woman who uses OCPs and has a family history of breast cancer, also has an abortion before her first full term pregnancy, the risk of breast cancer is greatly increased.31


1 Facts in Brief, New York. The Allan Guttmacher Institute, 1993 [Back]

2 Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States: Exploring the epidemic: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Nov. 20, 1996 [Back]

3 Susan Okie, Test Helps Pinpoint Risk of Cervical Cancer. The Washington Post. May 28, 1999 [Back]

4 Hugh Barber. Female Patient. Vol. 14. April, 1999 [Back]

5 Centre of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Health Canada, 2000 [Back]

6 Weller, Susan C. "A Meta-analysis of Condom Effectiveness in Reducing Sexually Transmitted HIV." Social Science and Medicine; Vol. 36; 12: June, 1993, pgs. 1635-44 [Back]

7 Friedman and Trivelli. "Condom Availability for Youth: A High Risk Alternative." Pediatrics. 2/96, p. 285 [Back]

8 "Filtration Signs of Human Immuno-deficiency Virus Type 1 and Surrogate Viruses Used in Test Barrier Materials." Applied Environmental Biology. Vol. 28; 2. Feb. 1992 [Back]

9 Ronald E. Carey et al., "Effectiveness of Latex Condoms as a Barrier to Human Immuno-deficiency Virus. Under Conditions of Simulated Use." Sexually Transmitted Diseases. July - Aug. 1992, Pgs. 230-233 [Back]

10 Prospective Studies of Condom Breakage During Vaginal Intercourse - Developed Countries: A Review of the Literature. Robert A. Hutcher et al. Contraceptive Technology, (sixteenth revised edition). Irvington Publications, 1994, pg. 157. [Back]

11 Dr. Bruce Patterson of Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago in collaboration with scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston Ill. Rush Medical College in Chicago and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. San Francisco Chronical, Feb. 10, 2001 [Back]

12 Wingo G. et al. Cancer (Supplement). 1993; 71: 1501-1517 [Back]

13 Rosenberg L. et al. Case control study of oral contraceptives use and risk of breast cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1996; 143: 25-37 [Back]

14 White E. et al. Breast cancer among young U.S. women in relation to oral contraceptive use. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1994; 86: 505-514 [Back]

15 Brinston L.A. Oral contraceptives and breast cancer risk among young women. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 6/7/95; 87: 827-835 [Back]

16 Ursin G. et al. Oral contraceptives and pre-menopausal bilateral breast cancer: A case-control study. Epidemiology. 1992; 3: 414-419 [Back]

17 Breast Cancer. Linked to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill. Chris Kahlenborn M.D. One More Soul publishers, Dayton, Ohio, 2000 pg. 164 [Back]

18 Olsson H. et al. Proliferation and DNA ploidy in malignant breast tumors in relation to early contraceptive use and early abortion. Cancer. 1991; 67: 1285-1290 [Back]

19 Ranstam J., Olsson H. et al. Survival in breast cancer and age at start of oral contraceptive usage. Anti-cancer Research 1991; 11: 2043-2046 [Back]

20 Ursin G. et al. Does oral contraceptive use increase the risk of breast cancer in women with BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations more than in other women? Cancer Research. 1997; 57: 3678-3681 [Back]

21 Breast Cancer Linked to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill. See #17 above, pgs. 122-123 [Back]

22 Statistics Canada. Hospital Morbidity and Surgical Operations Data for 1992-1993 [Back]

23 Statistics Canada. Selected Therapeutic Abortion Statistics, 1970-1991 [Back]

24 Isabelle Begin. Abortion Related Mortality in Canada, the U.S. and the World. Pitfalls and Shortcomings. [Back]

25 Ibid. Induced Abortion - "Safer than a Tonsillectomy" Isabelle Begin on hospitalization and mortality due to legally induced abortion in Canada and the U.S. [Back]

26 Statistical Analysis Unit of Finland's National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health (STAKES) [Back]

27 Joel Brind et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 1996; 50: 481-496 [Back]

28 Coleman P.K. and Reardon D. (June 2000) "State-funded abortions vs. deliveries. A comparison of subsequent mental health claims over six years." Poster presented at American Psychological Society, Twelfth Annual Convention. Miami, Fla. [Back]

29 K. O'Bannon. "New Study Finds Abortion Increases Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy by 50%." National Right to Life Director of Research [Back]

30 Chris Kahlenborn. See # 17 above. Pg. 149 -150 [Back]
