The Principle of Double Effect and Its Relevance in Bioethics


1 J. Selling, "The Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," Louvain Studies 8 (1980) 48. [Back]

2 J. Selling, "The Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 47-62. [Back]

3 R. A. McCormick, The Removal of a Fetus Probably Dead to Save the Life of the Mother (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Rome, 1957); R. A. McCormick, "Ambiguity in Moral Choice," in R. A. McCormick & P. Ramsey (eds.), Doing Evil to Achieve Good: Moral Choice in Conflict Situations (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1978); P. Knauer, "The Hermeneutic Function of the Principle of Double Effect," in C. E. Curran & R. A. McCormick, Readings in Moral Theology No. 1 (New York, Ramsey, Toronto: Paulist Press, 1979) 1-39. [Back]

4 A. McIntyre describes Aquinas' discussion on self-defense and double effect. Cf. A. McIntyre, "Doing Away with Double Effect," Ethics 111/2 (2001) 247-250. [Back]

5 Cf. J. Mangan, "A Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect," Theological Studies 10 (1949) 41-61. Similar ideas can be seen in T. Lincoln Bouscaren, Ethics of the Ectopic Operations (Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1944) 31-34; P. Ramsey, War and the Christian Conscience (Durhan, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1961) 34-59; P. Knauer, "The Hermeneutic Function of the Principle of Double Effect," in C. E. Curran & R. A. McCormick (eds.), Moral Norms and Catholic Tradition, Readings in Moral Theology, No. 1 (New York, Ramsey, Toronto: Paulist Press, 1979) 3. [Back]

6 Cf. J. Ghoos, "L'acte a double effet, etude de theologie positive," Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 27 (1951) 30-52; L. Iwejuru Ugorji, The Principle of Double Effect, European University Studies XXIII/245 (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 1985) 42-43. For a detailed study on the origin of double effect see L. J. McNamara, Direct and Indirect: A Study in the Principle of Double Effect in Roman Catholic Moral Theology (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford, Oxford, 1980) 50-65. [Back]

7 J. Selling, "The Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 48. [Back]

8 Cf. B. Hoose, "Proportionalism: A Right Relationship Among Values," Louvain Studies 24 (1999) 44. [Back]

9 Cf. R. McCormick, "Double Effect, Principle of," in J. F. Childress & J. Macquarrie (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics (London: SCM Press, 1967) 162. [Back]

10 Cf. J. Mangan, "A Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect," 43. Besides we see the formulations of PDE differently in L. I. Ugorji, The Principle of Double Effect, European University Studies XXIII/245 (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 1985) 29-30; P. I. Odozor, "Proportionalists and the Principle of Double Effect: A Review Discussion," Christian Bioethics 3/2 (1997) 116. [Back]

11 For a detailed study on it see J. Berkman, "How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect for Moral Theology? Contextualizing the Controversy," Christian Bioethics 3/2 (1997) 95-105. [Back]

12 J. Berkman, "How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect for Moral Theology? Contextualizing the Controversy," 95-97. [Back]

13 L. Janssens, "Ontic Evil and Moral Evil," Louvain Studies 4 (1972) 115-156; R. McCormick, "Notes on Moral Theology," Theological Studies 36 (1975) 89-92; C. Curran, Ongoing Revision: Studies in Moral Theology (Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides Publishers, 1975) 174-182; D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics (New York/Toronto: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1979) 249. [Back]

14 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Roman Catholic Medical Ethics in North America, 249. [Back]

15 P. Knauer, "The Hermeneutic Principle of Double Effect," Natural Law Forum 12 (1967) 132. [Back]

16 J. Keenan, "The Function of the Principle of Double Effect," Theological Studies 54 (1993) 301. The following authors argue PDE as the early presentation of proportionate reasoning. The first three conditions are accidental to the principle and they are not higher to the fourth condition. Cf. P. Knauer, "The Hermeneutic Function of the Principle of Double Effect," 1-39; H. Katchadourian, "Is the Principle of Double Effect Morally Acceptable?" International Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1988) 21-30; L. Cornerotte, "Loi morale, valeurs humaines et situations de conflit," Nouvelle revue théologique 100 (1978) 502-503. Contrary to this B. Schüller says that the principle is to be seen from the first condition (deontological method), which is the basis for the second and third condition. Cf. B. Schüller, "The Double Effect in Catholic Thought: Reevaluation," in R. McCormick & P. Ramsey (eds.), Doing Evil to Avoid Good (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1978) 165-191. [Back]

17 J. Berkman, "How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect for Moral Theology? Contextualizing the Controversy," 105. [Back]

18 E. F. Burke, Acute Cases in Moral Medicine (New York: Macmillan, 1922) 16; A. Michel, "Volontaire," in A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, E. Aman (eds.), Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, Vol. 15 (Paris: Libraie Letouzey Et Ane, 1946) 3307 as quoted by D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 251; E. Healy, Medical Ethics (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1956) 98; J. J. Shinners, The Morality of Medical Experimentation on Living Human Subjects in the Light of Recent Papal Pronouncements, 59; T. J. O'Donnell, Morals in Medicine (Westminster, Md.: Newman, 21959) 44; F. J. Connell, "Double Effect, Principle of," in W. J. Mcdonald (ed.), New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4 (New York: McGrew-Hill Book Germany, 1967) 1020. [Back]

19 J. A. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 59. [Back]

20 J. A. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 59. [Back]

21 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 252-253. [Back]

22 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 253. [Back]

23 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 258. [Back]

24 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 258. [Back]

25 J. A. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 60. [Back]

26 J. A. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 60. [Back]

27 J. A. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 60. [Back]

28 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 255. According to D. K. Chan, "the moral distinction in double effect cases rests on a difference not in intention as traditionally stated in the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE), but in desire." Cf. D. K. Chan, "Intention and Responsibility in Double Effect Cases," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (2000) 405. [Back]

29 D. K. Chan, "Intention and Responsibility in Double Effect Cases," 423. [Back]

30 Cf. J. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 51. [Back]

31 J. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 52. [Back]

32 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 257. [Back]

33 R. M. Gula, Reason Informed by Faith (New York: Paulist Press, 1989) 272. [Back]

34 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 259. [Back]

35 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 260. [Back]

36 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 260. [Back]

37 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 260-261. [Back]

38 B. Schüller, Die Begründung sittlicher Urteile. Typen ethischer Argumentation in der Moraltheologie (Düsseldorf, Patmos, 1973) 133-141; F. Scholz, Wege, Umwege und Auswege der Moraltheologie (München: Don Bosco, 1976) 40; M. K. Duffey, A Study of the Principle of Double Effects, Its Evaluation in Contemporary Philosophical Ethics and Catholic Moral Theology, and Especially Its Role in the Thought of Richard McCormick (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame, 1981) 68; L. I. Ugorji, The Principle of Double Effect, European University Studies XXIII/245 (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 1985) 13. [Back]

39 B. Schüller, "Direct Killing/Indirect Killing," in C. E. Curran & R. A. McCormick (eds.), Moral Norms and Catholic Tradition, Readings in Moral Theology, No. 1 (New York, Ramsey, Toronto: Paulist Press, 1979) 138-157, 146-155; L. I. Ugorji, The Principle of Double Effect, 102. [Back]

40 Cf. H. T. Engelhardt, "Sins, Voluntary and Involuntary: Recognizing the Limits of Double Effect," Christian Bioethics 3 (1997) 179. [Back]

41 Cf. J. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 50-56. [Back]

42 J. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 59-60. [Back]

43 J. Selling, "Problem of Reinterpreting the Principle of Double Effect," 61. [Back]

44 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 261. Authors who apply double effect directly to non-sterilizing mutilations are A. O'Malley, The Ethics of Medical Homicide and Mutilation (New York: Devin-Adair, 1919) 26-27; P. A. Finny, The Moral Problems in Hospital Practice: A Practical Handbook (St. Louis: Mo.: B. Herder, 1956) 146-148. [Back]

45 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 262. [Back]

46 P. Knauer, "The Hermeneutic Function of the Principle of Double Effect," 20. [Back]

47 C. J. Van Der Poel, "The Principle of Double Effect," in C. E. Curran (ed.), Absolutes in Moral Theology (Washington: Corpus Books, 1968) 194. [Back]

48 C. J. Van Der Poel, "The Principle of Double Effect," 194. [Back]

49 D. F. Kelly, The Emergence of Medical Ethics, 267. Kelly has quoted A. O'Malley, The Ethics of Medical Homicide and Mutilation, 26-27; P. A. Finny, The Moral Problems in Hospital Practice: A Practical Handbook, 146-148. [Back]

50 L. J. McNamara, Direct and Indirect: A Study in the Principle of Double Effect in Roman Catholic Moral Theology, 339. [Back]

51 J. Boyle, "Intentions, Christian Morality, and Bioethics: Puzzles of Double Effect," Christian Bioethics 3 (1997) 88. [Back]

52 J. Boyle, "Double Effect and a Certain Type of Embryotomy," The Irish Theological Quarterly 44 (1977) 303-318; J. Boyle, "Toward Understanding the Principle of Double Effect," Ethics 90 (1980) 527-538; J. Boyle, "Who is Entitled to Double Effect?" The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (1991) 475-494. M. P. Aulisio argues that "if a feature of Boyle's argument that the DDE [Doctrine of Double Effect] is required by absolutist Catholicism is correct and if the challenges to intention/side effect can be met, then the DDE may be viable in moral frame works other than that of traditional Catholicism." Cf. M. P. Aulisio, "One Person's Modus Ponens: Boyle, Absolutist Catholicism, and the Doctrine of Double Effect," Christian Ethics 3 (1997) 143. [Back]

53 T. Stephen, "Veritatis Splendor and the Ethics of Organ Transplants," Linacre Quarterly 64 (1997) 53. [Back]

54 T. Stephen, "Veritatis Splendor and the Ethics of Organ Transplants," 53-54. [Back]

55 T. Stephen, "Veritatis Splendor and the Ethics of Organ Transplants," 55. [Back]

56 Cf. R. Fox & J. Swazey (eds.), Spare Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992) 207-209. According to L. R. Kass, "in the transplanting of human organs, we have made a start on road that leads imperceptibly but surely toward a destination that one of us wants to reach...I don't want to encourage: yet I cannot moralise. How, in this matter of organs for sale, as in so much of modern life, is one to conduct one's thoughts if one wishes neither to be a crank nor to yield what is best in human life to rational analysis and the triumph of technique?" Cf. L. R. Kass, "Organs for Sale? Property, Propriety, and the Price of Progress," The Public Interest 107 (1992) 85-86. [Back]

57 John Paul II, "Blood and Organ Donors," The Pope Speaks 30 (1985) 1. [Back]

58 John Paul II, "Blood and Organ Donors," 1. [Back]

59 John Paul II, "Organ Donations: Address of Pope John Paul II to Participants in a Congress on Renal Illness and Transplants, April 30, 1990," The Pope Speaks 35 (1990) 336-337. [Back]

60 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life: Audience of Pope John Paul II to Participants in the First International Congress of the Society of Organ Sharing, June 20, 1991," The Pope Speaks 37 (1992) 12. [Back]

61 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life," 13. [Back]

62 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life," 13. [Back]

63 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life," 14. At the same time John Paul II points out that the integrity of the person can be harmed in organ transplants. He points out that the very sphere where patients look for care can become the place where psychophysical integrity "can be harmed." Cf. John Paul II, "On Medical Ethics," Origins 10 (1980) 352. [Back]

64 John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (Bombay: Pauline Publications, 1995) 152. [Back]

65 John Paul II, "Organ Transplants: Sharing Life," 14. [Back]

66 John Paul II "Special Address on the XVIII World Congress of the Transplantation Society, August 27 - September 1, 2000," Transplantation Proceedings 33 (2001) 32. [Back]

67 U. S. Bishops' Conference, "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Facilities," Origins 24 (1994) 450. [Back]

68 G. M. Abouna, "The Negative Impact of Paid Donation," in W. Land, J. B. Dossetor (eds.), Organ Replacement Therapy: Ethics, Justice and Commerce (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991) 164. [Back]

69 G. M. Abouna, "The Negative Impact of Paid Donation," 166. [Back]

70 R. Gillon, "Commerce and Medical Ethics," Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (1997) 67; J. Keown, "The Gift of Blood in Europe: An Ethical Defence of EC Directive 89/381," Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (1997) 99. [Back]

71 As quoted in R. Gillon, "Commerce and Medical Ethics," 67. H. V. Melachlan gives a critical view to John Keown's approach. Cf. Hugh V. Melachlan "Altruism, Blood Donation and Public Policy: A Reply to Keown," Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (1999) 532-536. [Back]

72 J. Keown, "The Gift of Blood in Europe: An Ethical Defence of EC Directive 89/381," 96. [Back]

73 As quoted in J. Keown, "The Gift of Blood in Europe: An Ethical Defence of EC Directive 89/381," 100. [Back]

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