Erickson, Jenet
4 Articles at


Why Moms and Dads Both Matter in Marriage

Mothers and fathers are not interchangeable - they both add distinct benefits to the development of children. Courts and legislatures can change legal definitions, but they cannot alter biology or psychology.

Date posted: 2015-07-15

The myth of "Mr Mom"

Promoting "genderless parenting" contradicts what the facts show us about the benefits of having a mom and a dad.

Date posted: 2012-12-19

Men Don't Mother

Promoting "genderless parenting" contradicts what the facts show us both about the harms of single parenthood and the benefits of having a mom and a dad.

Date posted: 2012-12-13

Why mothers matter

All that children need for healthy development is two caring adults. Really?

Date posted: 2011-05-30